
(nextflipdebug5) #1

The way I see it is that meditation reduces friction, strengthens, detoxifies
and regenerates. With the balancing of the autonomic nervous system there is
a removal of excess energy from reptilian defense system, thus allowing brain
function to become more contemporary rather than ruled by past trauma and
reptilian mechanisms. This obviously gives us more prefrontal control over our
amygdala (fear center) and limbic brain, and this could be described as a maturing
or enlightenment of the mind. Thus new energy and consciousness is made
available for higher human capacities rather than being wasted away in reactive
animistic responses to our environment and autonomic coping mechanisms to the
stresses and traumas of life. The orbitofrontal regulation that our mother originally
“provided” (to the degree that she engaged in primal mothering) is now taken over
by mediation and spiritual practices in the individuating aspirant.
Is kundalini a Divine or God Energy? Basically it is love. That is the easiest
way to describe it...what Joseph Chilton Pearce calls the Intelligence of the Heart
and Teilhard de Chardin sees as the next revolution in harnessing the forces of
the Universe. It is the intelligence within the atom, cell, organ, brain, organism
lit up, integrated and resonant with Love energy. It has the bliss component that
anaesthetizes former structures so the larger order can transform the being. It is
what we mythic humans have tended to call God, and all the various names of
God. You could say that it is the butterfly self emerging from the cocoon of the
conditioned self...a socialized being into a Universal Being...born unto himself.
This miraculous force is truly the most phenomenal process.
Due to the nature of the egoic armor we have built in response to our
nonenlighted culture—it takes an enormous amount of energy to open and
“receive” our higher self. It is the Spirit-in-Nature that calls us toward awakening.
It is Nature that initiates us. It is Nature that eases the burden of awakening. It
is Nature that allows our awakening to be successful. And it is Nature that gives
us the power to extend our awakening out into the world. It takes an enormous
amount of oxygen to give birth to ourSelves, so exercise and breathe in Nature
every day. The more you do so, the more Nature will be your ally. We want Nature
to work for us, not against us, therefore we must comply with Nature’s mandate
and thus have the powers of creation on our side. In the words of Sir Francis
Bacon, “Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.”

Only that which is made conscious can be “dropped.”

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