
(nextflipdebug5) #1

from burnout hell. The capacity for “choice” is what life is all about. You could say
the meaning of Life is “choice.” Depending on how one navigates the awakening,
(whether one is burnt or well-cooked), this determines whether the ultimate
outcome is more creative or destructive. Usually it’s a mixture of both for the birth
of the new requires the death of the old.
Consider that while we are still preconventional and conventional (conditioned)
we are immersed in meaning that is imposed on us from the outside. There is
the existential crisis prior to becoming postconventional, after which meaning
is interiorized with the development of the stronger umbilical cord to the Self.
That is first we are motivated from external authority, and then we become a
spiritually sovereign entity. There are infinite modes of interpreting the “meaning”
of kundalini...but when we are still operating from the conventional mind and
piloted by external authority/motivation (some might say the reactive mind) then
we will tend to interpret events as being “caused” by external circumstances...that
is our entire world is flavored with the particular stage of the alchemical cascade.
Thus the world becomes a reflection of our chemistry and vice versa.
Is kundalini independent of thought and is kundalini is trans-subjective?
There is the up-peak of the ecstasy influx and the terror down-peak where the
energy seems to penetrate the dark depths of one’s being. These two phases are
both essential stages of the metamorphosis, and we do not have one without the
other. We interpret the physics and physiology of metamorphosis through the
conditioned lens of where we are at. The alchemy itself is transcendent of the
circumstantial “reasons” but we generally think we are experiencing such and such
because of so and so. Depending on what we are going through at the time we
will ascribe psychological meaning to the up swing and the down swing. Although
the chemistry itself has little to do with the “content” of the mind, even when the
chemistry itself seems propelled by our “reasons” for such ecstasy or terror. The
more holy the individual the deeper they go into their Matter of the underworld
during their down cycle, simply because they have surrendered and gone-with the
transmutational alchemy of the up cycle. Unless one has penetrated linear time
and can cognitively grasp the fact that something in the future causes a certain
chemistry to happen to us in the present...then we are stuck in the egos mythic
interpretation of events. Psychological meaning is the “story” that we create for
ourselves about who we are, what the world is, and our relationships. It’s ones
life-myth; it’s a kind of Jungian level understanding of archetype, motif, gods and
goddesses and how these elements play on our chemistry through our personal
interpretive lens.
As the alchemy unveils, this symbolic map-making ability of our mind operates
at full bore in a valiant effort to digest and explain our experience. For a sense of
reality and grounding we look to our environment (projection) and use anything
as a metaphor for our inner experience. And believe me on kundalini we project
our interiors to epic proportions. Of course such sign and symbol making does
have a deep importance in the psyche and to the health of the soul and to the
richness of life experience. We can be so pulled around by our interiors that after

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