
(nextflipdebug5) #1

fully sexually cognizant person is a liberated sovereign individual and therefore
of no need of organized religion, and certainly cannot be manipulated to offer
absolution money for sins they know they are not committing in the first place.
Only the childlike can be indoctrinated by fear to give up their sovereign soul to
external dictatorial forces. Thus religions interference and insistence that their flock
remain prepubescent and malleable to their machinations. There are some benefits
to celibacy however...if ones ego structure is undeveloped, or ones wounds unhealed
avoiding sexual intimacy will conserve energy and time needed for self-survival.
Also anyone going through a full-on awakening might be so overwhelmed in just
dealing with that, that a relationship would be harmful—being too vulnerable for
intimacy so to speak. And if one engages in sex compulsively then neurological and
hormonal resources maybe used up which could have been applied to evolution of
the bodymind.
Since metamorphosis uses the sexual hardware as part of the general
psychosomatic hyperactivation, any sexual energy and development that is not
“used up” in relationship will directly feed transmutation. Thus unconsummated
hyper-arousal can and does lead to the inner-conjunction (10,000 orgs up the spine),
for the energy has to go somewhere. Conversely if sex and attraction are avoided
then the sexual hardware becomes atrophied or latent and the very foundation
of spiritual energy maybe thwarted. Biologically there is no spiritual evolution
without fully engaged sexual engines, because the foundation of our life energy is
not separate from causal consciousness. If the sex hardware is not revved up then
there is not enough energy available to reach the higher levels of consciousness,
revelation and being. Without the higher-play of the poles/hemispheres/sexes
there is no alchemy period! Sex is not an obstacle to God Realization, but lack of
love is. The quest is not “how to avoid sex” but how to reveal the inherent holiness
of sex through spiritual, mental, emotional, physical communion. It is obvious
that intimacy or “connection” involves the surrender or sacrifice of ones egoity and
defense. Intimacy therefore requires both the need for the yin of surrender and the
yang of active inclusivity. And beyond even this—for connection to occur there
is the need to let go of ones own identification with the separate-self-sense itself.
Conscious sex in a harmonious evolutionary relationship is definitely the ideal,
and I suspect that such supportive circumstances will reduce both the down cycle
and recovery time, such that ones spiritual gains from kundalini awakening are
substantiated and creativity is maintained.
Relationship is the process where by we are annealed and tempered, both
softened and hardened by the forces of separation and union. There is no way to
side step this work, for by avoiding relationship altogether we just remain half dead
enclosed in our cocoon. Erotic love helps us break free and become a butterfly. To
work through the death throws of the Pain-body and armor we need to have great
compassion, intelligence and willingness. Willingness is the key I think, intention
is not enough...there needs to be a willingness to be vulnerable and be undone by
love in order to be “remade” by love. One of my favorite books on relationship
is Love, Freedom, Aloneness, by Osho. In it he says that love is painful because it
transforms. Love is mutation!

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