
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Conscious Incarnation

“Our challenge is to recognize and develop the biological potential within. This is the
true goal of life.” Joseph Chilton Pearce

Kundalini is the miracle of life itself quickened and amplified. Metamorphosis
must be made increasingly conscious in order to reach and stabilize higher
homeostasis and meta-adaptation to spirit. “Awakening” or spiritual acceleration
demands conscious incarnation, for if the awakening of consciousness does not
become increasingly conscious several negative outcomes may occur:

  • If there is psychological or emotional resistance the body will not be able to
    handle the charge leading to the breakdown of metabolism.

  • The influx of energy meeting resistance could generate more primitive
    chemistry and madness.

  • There maybe a reduction in consciousness due to numbing and addictions as
    the lower nature tries to control what is happening.

  • If we don’t have a desire for lucidity, we could use the ecstasy for zoning out,
    rather than breaking through to even greater lucidity.

  • The down cycles will be more extreme and recovery prolonged.

  • If we bite down against our own incarnation we could become spiritually
    anxious, essentially losing trust in the benevolence of the Universe.

  • We respond to kundalini in the same way that we respond to life in general
    depending on the set of our nervous system and our sincere desire for growth
    and maturity.

The formula for kundalini is Flow X Energy ÷ Resistance. That is conductance
(Amps) times energy resources (Watts) divided by toxicity or inferior wiring.

The results of our awakening will be determined largely by our attitude,
intention and ability to “allow.” We fully manifest on planet earth to the degree
of our acceptance or rejection of our own incarnate being. This “allowing of
Self ” will dictate the flavor of both our life and our kundalini trip. To avoid
resistance and maladaptation the path of fire requires a certain strength. The key
to metamorphic mastery is to become superbly adapted to one’s own incarnation.
Conscious incarnation is giving ourselves permission to show up, hence awakening
is a “choice.” Metamorphosis is a process of purification, and yet it is not a simple
detoxification that is occurring, but the ongoing refinement of life itself toward
the incarnation of a deeper Self. Evolution simply IS when we stop suppressing,
abusing and holding ourselves back from the fluid realization of our Being.
The inertia and resistance of past structure causes tension between what we
are now and that which is trying to manifest from beyond the veil. Due to this
disparity the pressures of birthing consciousness can be enormous, and there is the
tendency for the poor ego to be drawn all over the map while the deeper Self is
coming to light. Thus we need enormous faith, understanding and compassion in
order to ride the wave. It takes genius to ride the wave of emergence into the depths
of the unknown, in order to avoid being smashed under the tension-wave or vainly

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