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all. Romantic longing for another is synonymous with longing for homecoming
with one’s own Self. Unrequited love can result in metamorphic initiation, for
the energy that would have been used in relationship is then used in the opening
of the inner flower of Self. The perturbation of consciousness during a kundalini
awakening or when we are in love gives us greater access to the right-brain. When
the two hemispheres are in greater communicate a profound love is experienced.
The worry thoughts of the left-brain are met and subsided by the expansive right-
brain. Thus it’s like being in communion with the Beloved, for we are the Beloved.
Unrequited love and kundalini awakenings both eventually teach us that we ARE
the love we seek.
At there is a great article by Todd Murphy called ”The
Neurology of Romantic Love” where he talks about Michael Persinger’s work on
sensed presence, romantic love, projection of the Beloved and brain science. Michael
Persinger’s take on romantic love and the hemispheres is essential to gain greater
insight as to what happens when we “fall in love.” Our “self ” identity is mostly
centered in the left-linguistic brain, but we each have a silent “Other” in the right-
brain. Meeting another person who we “resonate” with sets off wakeful/relaxation
chemistry by which we have more access this silent Other in our “feeling” right-
brain. Hence the increase in telepathy and psi during romantic encounters of an
elevated kind. A triad emerges “You, your left linguistic “I” and the other person’s
left-brain identity, and the transconscious communication via the combination of
the two right-brain selves in sympathetic resonance. This inner marriage facilitates
meta-recognition, or the fully human human.
Perhaps one of the first things that happens on the spiritual path is both a
sense of “recognition” and a sense of “self-doubt.” After spiritual initiation, the
observing eye of the mind is enlargened, we become more hip to both our glory
and our shit. Accepting that we all have an unconscious and dark side is a major
spiritual milestone. Perhaps idolatry stops the moment we marry our shadow, and
hence forgive the world. When this projection ceases perhaps we can truly love as
an adult instead of a child. Once we collectively get over the cup being half full,
and over original sin, and grok that nothing is broken, perhaps then we will give up
the doubt, greed, lust and fear that dissipates our energy and prevents Samadhi.

relational alcHemY

Relational Alchemy is simply the inner polytheistic pantheon theocosm at work.
The most obvious example of the way process operates is, the female’s submission
to the patriarchial image of the King. Here she projects her inner-King onto an
external male figure—then the consequences of her volitional giving up of her own
King will be played out in her life and relationships, until she becomes conscious of
what she is doing and reowns or finds for the first time her own inner-King. This
alchemical archetypal process of psychic development often occurs through loss,
grief and reclaiming. Those that fail to make the last stage, remain psychological
and spiritual victims of their own inability to own all the aspects of their theocosm
(archetypal matrix). This “projection without reclaiming” constitutes a fundamental

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