
(nextflipdebug5) #1

failure of understanding how the psyche works and a blindness towards ones own
inner process.
Relational alchemical projection might be stronger in the female of the species
because they are biologically more focused on “relationship” and therefore more
at the mercy of the inner panoply of identities—the archetypal arcana. The wiring
of males towards “objects” rather than “people” allows them a biological distance
from this alchemical-projection process. They still do it to a degree, but it does
not consume the entirety of their body, mind and soul. Whereas with females it is
so insidiously overwhelming that it seems like the entire universe is conspiring to
produce this inner-cooking of the psyche through archetypal projection. Because
we are not very familiar with this process yet, females tend to lose their inner-King
many times over during their life to various external males and male icons. But
each time she tends to find her inner masculine after the illusion of the protector-
daddy-God is broken down and broken through. In this process she learns to love,
reclaim and inhabit “all” of her Self. It is this lack of aware Self-development that
relational alchemical projection overcomes if it is allowed to proceed naturally and
if the light of compassionate awareness is brought to it. If it is not seen through and
the polarization of self-other, inner-outer is not made conscious, then there simply
is no psychological or spiritual development. Relational alchemical projection
reveals the clockwork of the mind of Nature herself.
The marriage between the microcosm and the macrocosm produces an epic
drama in which propels the individual on their hero’s journey. The psychic heating
involved in discovering Great Attractors, people, events and objects which deeply
affect us is a self-fulfilling prophecy; providing us exactly what we need to “wake
up.” This psychic cooking process will become increasingly apparent in the psyche
of humans as we enter a more global arena where there is more choice available
and more freedom to access those choices. The pace of change on the inner psychic
level and the outer experiential level can only accelerate geometrically.
Building the skills and knowledge to deal with these rapid successive jumps in
cognition and experience is the work of the present generations. Since this process
is happening to us all, it demands communal investigation and revelation. As time
and space become more transparent to consciousness and we connect up all over
the globe to share in this relational alchemy, each of us has a major contribution to
offer in this theocosmic unveiling. We all balance, provoke, trigger, facilitate and
promote the alchemy in each other through the sheer fact that we are alive, and
we are Spirit.
We must be very weary of dismissing this archetypal process, for to do so is
to dismiss the way that spirit really is, for some simplistic model. This issue is at
the heart of genuine spiritual emergence itself. It demands to be looked at with
reverence and honor not with base cynical materiality. We simply have to allow
for it, understand it and laugh at it. This process is vastly more strange, magical,
mysterious and mystical than any real life encounter or relationship could ever be.
It is part of the dream world of the inner humanizing process, that if treated with
understanding can bring meaning, quality and depth to our lived experiential lives.

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