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The more we use mystical language to describe our inner world in our daily lives
the more we participate in a global psychic heating process.
This Overmind or the Mind of God is not a homogenized undifferentiated
Borg-like tumorous mass. For managed consent and excessive cooperation
prevents the flexibility and diversity necessary for the individuals’ spontaneous
response to the rhythms of the cosmos. Universal Mind allows for each cell, organ
or individual organism, indeed each particular “thought” to have a completely
unique expression. Indeed it is this very differentiation by which each “part” is
engaged in natural rhythms of exquisite coherence that bring the all the parts into
a collective Whole. Perfect coherence is the optimal state between chaos and order.
Pathology occurs when through defense, security or aggression, an unnatural order
is imposed by coercion or tyranny leaving the individual cell, organ or individual
unable to follow the dictates of the larger cosmic order of which they are made.
Unable to respond to the Mind of God or to flow in God’s Time (Kairos) the Part
then loses sync with the universal Whole...and disease results.
The Philosopher’s Gold in a sense is the “search itself,” for an ever purer
reception of what this omnipresent Overmind is telling us. The Sacred Science
is the revealed knowledge of liberation from suffering and mortality, and the
search for a “real” vision of the universe. That is the magic, that is the mystery—
this Overmind as it unfolds in time comes from a source that is beyond Time
and is one with the matter of earth and the plasma of noosphere. This is Total
Consciousness—the always already, the Eternal in time. It is the experience of
Spirit and the full ramifications of that which constitutes the sole purpose in life.
The more purified, alive, renatured and spiritualized is the bodymind, the more
receptive we are to the Real, the sacred call of the wild and our highest Nature. This
clarity and sensitivity allows us to find our soulmate and/or tune into our Dharma
and Global imperative.

For reading on projection and transference one of the most precise books is Jung
On Alchemy by Nathan Schwarz-Salant.

Projection and Re-Collection in Jungian Psychology: Reflections of the Soul by Marie-
Louise von Franz

Jung on the alchemy of the sexes can be found in Jung’s Collected Works...
Psychology and Alchemy... Vol 12; Alchemical Studies ...Vol 13; Mysterium
Conjunctionis ...Vol 14

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