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“Some day, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall
harness...the energies of love. Then, for the second time in the history of the world, man
will have discovered fire.” Pierre Theilhard de Chardin

Both Jung and Sri Aurobindo believed that the soul is both individual and
universal and that the physical and psychic exist simultaneously. Supra-sex you
could say is the spiritual intercourse of the Global Brain—the communion of
the overmind or Superman (Aurobindo). This communion is superluminal,
nonlocal and probably involves instantaneous communication via scalar waves or
sympathetic resonance. Supra-sex is a mysterious subatomic force that spans the
globe. The experience of supra-sex makes it apparent to us irreverent humans that
we live in a spiritual universe, an intelligent universe, far more profound than we
could possibly imagine. There is nothing more powerful than the force of Supra-
sex. It is the force of evolution and consciousness itself, the energy at the ground of
manifestation. Future generations will know more about and honor it more deeply
than us, for slowly humanity is being awakened by this evolutionary force.
The spiritual journey is driven by sex hormones, as the principle drivers to
metamorphic alchemy and awakening. The urge to unite with God, and the urge
to merge with a beloved runs on the same biological equipment, it is just lived
at a different level of expression. Bliss is the energy of transcendence, and when
kundalini arises and the Heart opens it feels like a lover. For females it feels like
a male lover, for males it feels like a female lover. For this reason it is commonly
thought that the soul of each sex is the opposite gender. Hence the anima/animus
of Jungian philosophy.
The idea of Supermind (global brain) maybe as old as Plotinius, tho not
explicitly stated. A teacher of Aurobindo brought it to his attention and so seeded
Aurobindo’s sadhana. For information on Aurobindo’s take on the Supermind
check out the book: “On the way to Supermanhood,” by Satprem. The Supermind
is as vital as the body of man is vital—as the Earth herself is vital. Unfortunately
our modern world is filled with interference patterns to consciousness such as
electromagnetic fields, pollution and the destruction of nature itself leading to
the devitalizing the human organism. The Supermind is when one’s subjectivity
exhibits a planetary empathy. So one has to be enlightened to reside in Supermind be both separate and not separate at the same time. Maps of
consciousness such as Spiral Dynamics maybe a ladder of objectivity, but no matter
how high one’s eye, cognition is always subjective. That is Evolution = increasingly
objective subjectivity.
Spirit uses the sexual chemistry and apparatus in the metamorphic process, so
that even though the mystics may not be actually engaging in sex with another
human their systems are fully sexed, fully revved up and potent during the great
Passion of the alchemy. If this energy is simply masturbated away or spent on gross
level compulsive sex then the Great Passion will fall short of its mark. To be fully
sexually potent doesn’t necessarily mean one is actually engaging or even interested

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