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in sex, but that one is not repressing the full flow of Eros in the bodymind. At the
mystic level supra-sex transcends, includes and amplifies normal-sex. Supra-sex is
the total alchemy of transformation of which super-sex is a symptom or beneficial
side effect.
Kundalini operates on the body’s sexual system to radically heightened degrees:
in dreams that facilitate certain phases of the metamorphosis, in magnified sensory
sensitivity, in heightened attraction or rather spiritualized attraction, higher sexual
energy and sex hormone production and vastly increased levels of opening. But
in fact kundalini simply uses the sexual system in the same way that it uses the
nervous system, the immune systems, the endocrine system, the lymphatic system
and the digestive system—to “evolve” the structures and systems of the bodymind.
This process is transpersonal and related to species survival and evolution.
The transpersonal nature of the Overmind or World Soul (Anima Mundi) is
recognized as one becomes a pawn in the hands of the Gods, with the ultimate
objective of evolving and connecting the individual neurons of the Global Brain.
The individual neurons being ourselves. This is why in 2000 I said, “sex is not
sex.” Supra-sex transcends, includes and amplifies normal-sex.” The global brain
wakes up through sexual attraction, and nothing is more wakeful and enlightening
than the pull of supra-sex, and you don’t even have to have sex for it to be so. It
is the trickster nature of the Universe. Remember sex is not sex, it is the energy
of the Universal IS the is all the play of the charges,
hemispheres, sexes and poles, and enlightenment proceeds via this cosmic
intercourse of the marriage of opposites.
Union beyond all states is basically nondual intuition, or being one with the
flow of Spiritual Eros. As far as action in the world goes, as long as we are an ego
acting for or on the world this is still not the highest dharma. Consider the concept
of relationship AS the World—even ‘sex’ for worldcentric reasons. Coming from
this highest ethical level then there would not be internal divisions that would
prevent joint-nirvikalpa. This kind of relationship is perhaps the only kind of
relationship that is deeply satisfying in the soul-sense, and thus fundamentally
“Real.” Relationship AS the Universe.
Supra-sex is autopoietic and seems to be focused primarily on the spontaneous
transpersonal evolution of consciousness itself. Because it is the most extreme
experience of love and sex, we learn that human relationship is a subset of this
much larger transpersonal agenda of Nature. Supra-sex cannot be described in
words, for one can only know it by experience, thus I resort to Gurdjieffs idea of
supra-sex to help clarify the distinction that this is something so beyond our usual
concept and experience of sex that it defies both understanding and expression.
There is a great piece on sex in Chapter 12 “Sex and Evolution” in Ouspensky’s “A
New Model of the Universe.” Here he described the three types of sex.

infra-sex: A non-understanding, terror and disgust of sex, arrested development
or degeneration, sex abnormalities, underdeveloped sex, all perversions, either
abnormal sex desires or abnormal sex abstinence, indifference to sex, exaggeration
leading to inner degeneration, wastes energy. Disharmony between sex and other
sides of life.

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