
(nextflipdebug5) #1


normal-sex: Contains no danger, sex harmonizes with all other functions
including emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Sex inwardly is completely justified
in the normal man and this justification is based solely on the full coordination of
sex with other aspects of life. Builds energy, awareness and inspires.

supra-sex: The sex system is greatly magnified and subsumed into spiritual alchemy,
such that normal sex eventually ceases. Supra-sex signifies the inner marriage or
metamorphosis and is intimately tied into one’s life purpose and calling. The Muse
or Holy Spirit becomes prior to all else.

“The first sensations of mystical experiences intensify sex sensations but the further waves
of the light that a man begins to see completely absorb and cause to disappear those small
sparks of sensations which before seems to him a blaze of love and passion. Consequently
in true mysticism there is no sacrifice of feeling. Mystical sensations are sensations of the
same category as the sensations of love, only infinitely higher and more complex. Love,
“sex,” those are but a foretaste of mystical sensations. It is clear that the foretaste must
disappear when there comes that which has been anticipated. But it is equally clear that
struggle with the foretaste, the sacrifice of the foretaste, the giving up of the foretaste,
cannot bring nearer or hasten anything.” 541,Ouspensky.

Ouspensky says that it is the cessation of transmutation that is the curtailment
of metamorphosis, which produces pre-normal sex characteristics (infra-sex) such
as suppression and pathologies of sex. He says that the degradation of sexual
attributes “secondary characteristics” points to a weakening of transmutation. Thus
it seems that sex must be healthily integrated into normal life so that evolution
to supra-sex or mystic life is possible. Ouspensky says that if transmutation is
possible, it is only possible by passing through normal-sex for none of the lower
infra-sex forms can evolve. And that through supra-sex, alchemical transmutation
is brought to a totally incomprehensible and unknown intensity, which creates a
new type of man. Behind all esoteric teachings lies the knowledge that we evolve
in consciousness through the higher-utilization of sex energy, which is normally
wasted unproductively in ordinary life. Both Ouspensky and Wilhelm Reich were
intuitively advocating the liberation of the evolutionary energy of man...supporters
therefore of the continued evolution of life on earth.
The Sacred Marriage is not a romantic fantasy, nor is it arrived at through
the direction of personal will. Rather it is prior existant, unadorned, uncorrupted
and uncontaminated. It is the “cooking” of spirit and matter that is occurring at
the elemental core of our being, despite our unconscious efforts to subvert the
process and waste the energy. Surrender to the complete satisfaction of the energy
(emotion) is to be in tune with cosmic design. For this we must “cease” subverting
and bleeding off our energy into the lesser drives of the needy, deprived self. The
person who speaks most clearly of the aborting and shunting of spirit into lesser
drives is Robert Augustus Masters...he has been talking of this since the 80’s with
his book Way of the Lover: The Awakening and Embodiment of the Full Human.
The way we use our sex energy is a model for the way we do everything in life.
The sacred marriage occurs by dropping completely into the energy and emotion

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