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and thereby allowing it to complete its alchemical cycle, whereby illumination is
arrived at along with peace and equanimity. The Sacred Marriage is the felt-sense
recognizing What Is.
The male and female and the potential love between them is the main catalyst
of the evolutionary force of God, Eros or Awakening. Whether the relationship
actually occurs or not at the human level is irrelevant to this evolutionary force
that proceeds despite us, imposing “its” will regardless. Spirit uses whatever means
are necessary to break us open and force us to awaken. Alchemy between the sexes
is the primary vehicle for the awakening of consciousness and the Global Brain
itself. Kundalini represents a ripening and fruition of the psychosomatic life of the
individual and the driver for collective awakening. Kundalini is perfect love, that
elevates all that is base and ‘raises’ all that is dead.
The mystical birth of man proceeds through the full realization of sex energy
as the caldron of transformation. In Celtic lore the cauldron had three powers:
inexhautibility, regeneration, and inspiration. Of course the alchemical caldron is
“The Holy Grail,” and it is by following the pure heart’s desire in search of The
Grail that we undergo the journey of transformation. Unless the heart is given the
time and space in which to unfold the metamorphic alchemy, it might start and
fizzle, just like a flower severed from its plant. The pure heart’s ability to allow the
alchemy of individuation to proceed is the gallant quest of the preceptors of the
Mystic Civilization. This is the central meaning of the Grail myth in preparing
the way for realizing a global Camelot based on the vitues of justice, bravery
and truth.
Mastery (non control) of the serpent power sustains the enchantment and
regeneration of our world. While the inability to master it can be destructive.
Mastery involves submission to rapture. That is, allowing ecstatic sublime currents
that melt the entrenchment of the ego’s sense of separation, bringing freedom
from fear and judgment, and the petty nature of resistance in general. Mastery
of Kundalini is in effect mastery of the ego! Kundalini adeptness is the alchemy of
individuation through the integration of ego and Self. That is the unification of
the conscious and unconscious elements of the psyche and the establishment of
the proper center. This inner center or cosmic consciousness is the steady state
of intuitive knowledge or illuminated mind that develops from the harmonious
nuclear fusion of the Tao within our very atoms. Mastery of kundalini involves
dropping our resistance to this inner sacred marriage.
If we are all going to learn new transcendent modes of being that are not merely
denial or abdication of “care.” We must then make a conscious effort to stabilize
this transcendent heart meme within our immediate community so that it spreads
throughout the global by ripple effect.

The Global Brain Awakens by Peter Russel

The Global Brain by Howard Bloom

Earthmind, Communicating With The Living World of Gaia, Paul Devereux et el.

Animate Earth: Science, Intuition, And Gaia by Stephan Harding

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