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Tantric Union

Spiritual Eros is wild, it cannot be tamed, just as the truth
cannot be faked.

It is apparent that the separate-self-sense is a low energy condition and sex
sometimes raises our energy enough so that the veil of separation falls. Then it
is like looking at the world, or ones lover with the eyes of a child. Stepping into
cosmic levels of consciousness is to experience intense love, awe and gratitude,
coupled with the sense that “I never knew it could be like this.” There is tendency
to go unconscious and into the body and pleasure during sex, this is why Tantra is
so useful as a gate to remain in higher states. If you can remain conscious during
sex, then this helps us to maintain wakefulness/mindfulness generally in ones life.
nirvikalpa samadhi is the state of oneness with Atman (the Self or soul)
and is traditionally achieved through the advanced and prolonged practice. The
concept of arising at nirvikalpa through physical sexual union with another human
being is very interesting. In the book “The Jewel in the Lotus: The Tantric Path
to Higher Consciousness” by Sunyata Saraswati and Bodhi Avinasha, they say that
Tantric Kriya Yoga greatly accelerates spiritual alchemy such that it is possible to
experience illumination in one tantric ritual. “If you and your partner make love
twice a day, doing the Cosmic Cobra Breath, you can have the experience of Ultimate
Universal Unity in a week.” 29. You can find out more about Tantric Kriya Yoga at This might be the best resource for learning the technique
of entering joint Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
Once we have learnt to cope with kundalini on the survival level, we then need
to cultivate it and use it in the higher sphere of life to prevent the energy turning
on us in self-implosive decay. Although I have not experienced joint Samadhi
through tantra, I would like to mention it as an example of the higher dimensions
in which kundalini maybe followed and cultivated. The last third of “Kundalini,
Energy of the Depths,” by Lilian Silburn, gives an account of a tantric practice
drawn from Kashmir Shaivism scriptures. “The sexual practice mentioned here is
not a lewd activity, a craving for enjoyment; it does not aim at pleasure or procreation,
but appears as a yoga, a discipline, a sacred act having for its goal the realization of
the essence of the Self, the identification with Siva; as such it is essentially ascribable to
heroic behavior.” Silburn
The term sacrifice is used a lot in this book and this refers to “stopping
the resistance and fear,” or the complete surrender to love, such that the Heart
supercedes and pervades all else. We sacrifice all that keeps us from the open,
pure, immaculate Heart. This then increases coherency that ignites the Divine
Spark through phase singularity. Like the conductor of an orchestra, the heart
is the central oscillator, which is able to frequency tune ones own atomic system
and sync with another via sympathetic resonance. Apparently for two people to
enter turyatita (beyond all states) there must be a sacrifice of ego such that there
is no fear, doubt or wavering; and the two are able to completely identify with the
energy of the other, thereby producing boldness and power. In other words there
must be no egoic holding back, such resistance being antithetical to the sacrifice

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