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relationship transcends confusion, resistance, contrariness, defense, denial, and
the 7 deadly sins. One would assume that in order to enter joint nirvikalpa both
individuals would have to have dealt with the challenges of the various charkas:

  1. Fear, 2. Guilt, 3. Shame, 4. Grief, 5. Lies, 6. Illusion, 7. Attachment. Thus
    we can see why joint nirvikalpa is such a rare event and is such a sure ladder for
    If spiritual realization is “the stabilization of love and care,” such that there is
    more energy and consciousness contained in the bodymind. Such complexity I
    would hope is intrinsically stronger, differentiated and more capable of maintaining
    its syntropic power without falling apart. Evolution itself is I think this ability to
    stabilize and build greater energy and consciousness that is “heroic” or impervious
    to the forces of entropy and decay. My feeling is that we all have a natural intuition
    for this but that it is most often blocked by attachment to sense gratification,
    fear, doubt, worry, self-ishness, thus the energy cannot build. That is why it’s
    called a sacrifice because all this lesser personality stuff must be let go. The main
    thing with maintaining or abiding in the alchemy is to remain without “doubt.”
    That is undivided in one’s projection/appreciation of the other as Divine, thereby
    maintaining one’s own divine “I”.
    Since we are talking about being Spirit illuminated, we cannot revert to our
    mortal mind without losing the connection. In the Sex with Eros experience I was
    The Divine, the energy was such that I was Divine without doubt, there was no me
    there other than this divinity. So the joint nirvikalpa experience would be similar
    although perhaps harder to remain in state, because of the usual self-conscious and
    archetypical mechanics that arise within relationship. But if the couple can realize
    that there is no separation between each other then this lesser psychological stuff
    is let go. Once doubt enters the picture energy is divided and is not available for
    lasering in the synchrotron of being.
    It’s a very high art not to get dragged down into sense gratification and remain
    in the Witness during this tantric act. Considering all that the ego normally has
    invested in sex, this is why joint nirvikalpa is such an expedient spiritual practice.
    Because it is the final challenge and breakthrough of the attachment to our ego-
    personality and its objects of desire and aversion. With this fusion of souls the
    normal self-centeredness is penetrated and the underlying unity of all things is
    grokked. Alchemy between the sexes is one of the most effective and expedient
    ways of reaching higher states, because the chemistry runs of its own accord
    beyond any mental cognitive interference. Also such alchemy between the sexes is
    transtemporal and trans-spacial—meaning that the chemistry can unfold even if
    the couple are separated by half a globe. If a relationship is based on healing and
    processing it just becomes a chore, however, at the same time a transformative
    relationship will allow the psychological mirroring for mental-social development
    and healing.
    Romantic relationship is the fastest way to grow because everything comes up,
    especially during the pressure cooker of active kundalini. Relationship between
    man and women has the potential to be the ground of health and the basis to the
    evolution of consciousness. This is so because the alchemy that can be produced as a

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