
(nextflipdebug5) #1

couple is far greater and deeper than what can be achieved as single individuals...if
the relationship is synergistic rather than entropic that is. Cosmic genius comes in
pairs of opposite poles and one can look at the fundamental design of the universe
to figure out why that is. Orchestration of the alchemy between the sexes is arranged
in time and space by the Universe itself without our conscious knowledge. This
syzergy can be known to us precognitively however through dreams and intuition
from the deepest, highest place in us. We could say that Limbic Attractors operate
at the subatomic, quantum and telepathic level through the Unified Field. When
we are talking of the Unified Field which is prior to matter itself, the couple do
not vibe in sync with the entire Kosmos, they in fact vibe AS the entire Kosmos.
ie: Unity Consciousness.
For a tantric relationship with high level kama sutra both individuals need
to be both fully engaged and distanced. Through heightened alertness and calm
focus, which encourages a state of “allowing,” “readiness” and “receptivity,” by
reaching a state of emptiness and immersion in the moment. It helps to have
gone through radical kundalini awakening in order to pass beyond the mythic
and personal interpretations and all the gender programs and ego-needs. What
the couple is reaching for, or bringing into manifestation doesn’t have a lot to
do with the world as is, for kosmic-sex involves the decimation of who we have
known ourselves to be. I am curious as to what a joint inner-conjunction event
between a couple would be like, since when going through extreme catastrophic
events by oneself, there is paralysis and ecstatic trance for the 1/2 hour or so. Also
such ultra tantra would need to occur on “free persons timetable” not having
to rush off to obligations etc...which would break up the chemistry and recovery
period...aborting the alchemy. Plus the couple would need to be regenerated in
nature, supported by superfoods, green-food and water intake after a cosmic joint
event to help nervous system recovery. Thus when reaching for the Gods, you have
to be fully supported by Gaia.
I think that we as a species underplay and “make petty” the game of sexual
relationship, whereas it’s really an awesome cosmic dance and the basis of conscious
evolution itself. Perhaps we have not yet seen what it is to be human, and in love.
True Love is something that must be fought for with every breath one breathes.
It must be the ground of faith, and not be tainted with self-pity, doubt, regret,
insincerity, and self-contraction. One could say that the measure of ones capacity
for romantic love, is the same as ones capacity for God. Courtly love came into
being when people started to understand the enormous power of romantic love to
quicken and evolve spiritually. There is no greater force for evolution on earth than
the alchemy between the sexes. We should not be getting “down” on romantic
love, but looking into this awesome power that lies at the heart of us. Not so we
can harness this power for profit and gain, but so we can LIVE IT and realize the
deepest potential of our humanity. Full pituitary potency is essential to a sense of
soul and experience of the psychic domain, thus the synergy of relationships help
to prevent burn-out.

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