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Spirituality is not separate from any part of life, for it is life. If our Spirituality
does not address and heal our wounds, what does? All of life is an opportunity for
spiritual awakening and our darkest depths hold the seeds of our greatest release
into the light. We create events to initiate this awakening and are drawn to people
and places that can initiate it. This call often defies all common sense and rational
understanding. The transrational is scary because it is far more Real and holy than
our safe, controlled, structured domesticated lives. Artists and mystics know of this
as a daily experience and more people will have to stand the heat of the Real as we
evolve as a species. The sexes/poles cause the meltdown and restructuring of each
other towards ever higher levels of sublime function. Thereby we can deepen into
the unseen unknown spiritual realm of existence beyond the veil of safe predictable
human meanderings. The Real is so real, the courage needed to be there is
uncommon, the depth and responsibility overpowering. Rebirth and restructuring
to the next higher level cannot occur without surrender to the Kosmic nature of
What Is. Thus we have to be willing to die to our former self continually.

Love, The Inner Connection by Carol Anthony is a true postconventional approach
to relationship based on the I Ching.

The best material on taking love and sex into the spiritual realm is the work of
Diana Richardson, The Heart of Tantric Sex, and Tantric Orgasm for Women.

Alchemy of Love Relationships, Joseph Michael Levry (Kabbalah and Kundalini)

Transformation Through Intimacy: The Journey Toward Mature Monogamy, Robert
Augustus Masters

Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body by Riane Eisler

The Ecstatic Wave is the flow between dissolution and

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