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Creativity and Kundalini

“Thou art the sun which illumines the inner darkness of the ignorant. Thou ar the
channel running with the honey of consciousness for the unknowing.” Sankara, Wave
of Bliss

Kundalini awakenings are peak times for visions, the muse, depth-feeling,
insights etc...which can all translate to art, music, science or some form of creativity.
All genius is riding on this kundalini current and is inflamed with the muse, God
intoxicated, art-intoxicated. Enormous energies “could” be harvested. However in
this “conformist” society we are such neophytes at handling the energy that it is
hard to stabilize ourselves enough to realize the products of our Muse. The kind
of kundalini awakening we have is specific to the way we have built ourselves.
The scrapes and bruises life offers are beneficial also. All is fuel for the flame! We
complicate matters with wasteful secondary fallout, due to our misunderstanding
about kundalini and the religious superstition that has been lumped on the process
over the centuries. Thus it’s up to people that have initiated kundalini to share
their experience with others, in order to reduce the ignorance. Each person that
becomes “meta-adapted” to metamorphosis means a colossal jump forward for
humanity as a whole. While kundalini is active we ignite those around us simply
with our presence with a power that works directly from body to body, heart to
heart—like a contagion of fire.
A “hot-burn” is when we go through a catastrophic full-on awakening. You can
tell if someone is having a hot-burn awakening by the extremity of their symptoms,
and the duration of the awakening itself. The hot-burn cycle can leave the nervous
system incapable of actually performing the art, patience can leave one, precision
destroyed, coordination crapped out. I for example was a better painter prior to my
awakening; abilities will return with time and rehabilitation however. Usually for
the 6 month peak we are in such an altered state that holding down a job in which
left-brain function is required is often not possible. I got by through massaging
people, which is a healthy thing to do while in the peak, and clients get to have
heart expansion through state the scalar healing energy is greatly
Research may discover that a large % of hot-burners were abused or traumatized
in childhood, making their nervous system more vulnerable to tipping into this
kind of raging inferno. The body is literally throwing off tension, detoxifying and
reforming itself in a way that obliterates the original trauma. Thus the hot-burn,
though traumatic in itself, is one of the very best ways for the phoenix of soul
to rise from the ashes of the a truth beyond the constraints of social
machinations. After recovery from the awakening itself, ones art could deepen
in profound ways as we become liberated from our energy wasting pain-body
and through the expanded awareness, clarity and prioritizing discernment that
awakening provides.
There are many reasons why I had a hot-burn peak in 2000...unresolved
childhood trauma, isolation, a diet too high in fruit, tension buildup through lack
of sex and exercise, insufficient maturation of the nervous system by not having

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