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a subtle energy practice (meditation, martial arts) and the fact that I was primed
for the massive peak by a previous awakening in 1988. The trigger this time
however was not my father’s death and unresolved family issues, but devotion to
Mr. Universal. My 1988 awakening although extreme also did not incapacitate
me quite as much, so some of my best paintings come from that time. The 2000
awakening could have been equally as productive painting wise if I had thrown
myself into the visual arts, with a profound teacher or social support to ground
the energies.
Collectively we need to become so knowledgeable about Kundalini that we can
ride its power without frying our circuits and burning out. The methods we often
use to try and “control it” tend to be very damaging; such as eating heavy food,
lack of exercise, increased sex, tranquilizers. This is negative adaptation reduces
any potential evolution. My “work” is aiming for positive adaptation, where there
is an original trust in the alchemy itself. Through positive adaptation we fortify
the body while protecting it from the fire, facilitate the birthing process and using
the energy productively (focus). If coping with kundalini is successful we should
be able to endure a hot-burn without it detracting from our lives and remain at the
peak of our creative potential...riding the wave of spirit into a new world.
Life is like surfing and opportunities are waves we must catch for our own
evolutionary process. There is a charge of life force that arises with any new exciting
event, be it meeting a lover, or a Eureka-like discovery. But if we fail to ride the
energy of that charge we miss the wave and get ground into the quicksand. Each
time we do this aborted surfing trick we get further and further from the life we
want, and we get less and less excited with every new event. Having lost faith in
the “process” of spirit we become generally apathetic or downright depressed and
less like to catch the next wave that comes along.
inner voices increase when kundalini is fired up, you could say it’s our
supersensoral Self speaking to us. My “higher” voice doesn’t say that much but
when it does, it’s on a transrational, gnostic, Christ-like level and the words seem
omnipotent and packed with “authority.” Some people are particularly wired more
for voice, others for visions, some for music. These illuminating intrusions are just
the higher operations of the mind that we normally do not have access to, due to
the strict repressive/filtering capacities of the ego. Increasingly humans will make
the barrier between this higher consciousness and our normal operating mode
more transparent. So that eventually as a species we will all be living at this higher
operating level. As we evolve higher hardware is forming and coming into focus. A
lot of people get confused and think that the voice of their deeper mind is another
entity like God, spirit guides, angels etc...whereas they are really just channeling
their emerging higher self. Some voices are from a consciousness way beyond our
normal operating mode, others stem more from a lower condition say of biological
distress when we have mis-eaten, are ill or going through a Die-off. You can easily
tell the difference by what is said and the “energy packet” and bliss level that comes
with the information. Visions seem to be the most life altering in physiology and
direction. They pack a more psychedelic punch to permanently alter physiology.

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