
(nextflipdebug5) #1


The perturbation of normal consciousness by kundalini means we are more
open to higher information from inner voices and visions. Perhaps due to increased
communication between the hemispheres that supersedes the modular parallelism
of the compartmentalized brain...and the contrasting functions of the left and right
sides of the brain. Greater synchronization and coherency within the brain makes
for “Whole-Brain” thinking. This revelatory chemistry and its higher information
flow often arises in hypnognia or Theta wave...through synchronization of the
enteric and head brains via the Schumann resonance. Because of the bliss, pituitary
potency and expanded whole-brain consciousness, kundalini comes with an
inherent grace and faith. The muse is naturally transpersonal and must be followed
and the energy used creatively or the negative resistant ego (pain-body) will hijack
the energy and use it for our self-destruction. What is not used for the light of Eros
turns into the darkness of Thanatos. The daemon that is not followed becomes a
demon that haunts us.
The Muse is our highest connection with Divinity. You will probably notice
that the Muse always manifests along with an intense sexual tension. Of course
there are infinite levels of the profundity to that which the Muse brings forth and
this is reflected in the degree of “spiritual presence” of the particular eros heatwave
that arises “as” the Muse. These cycles of peak functioning are tied into the tides
and rhythms of the cosmos itself and the zeitgeist. Zeitgeist is a German expression
meaning “the spirit of the age.” Its literal translation is “time (Zeit)-spirit (Geist).” It
describes the intellectual and cultural climate of an era, which ultimately translates
into what we term The Global Brain, Overmind or world soul. The genius that
is bought forth in any age, is determined by the psychic-spiritual tensions of the
Necessity of the times. Thus we “give birth” to culture collectively, by bringing to
light that which is growing unseen in the soil of our communal dream.
The terms muse, music, mind, men, mental, amuse and museum are all related.
But by “Muse” we are not referring to simple associative thinking processes but
to Gnosis...which is in a way “knowledge of the mind of God.” The conscious
content tends to arrive in our mind fully formed, and we simply transcribe it.
Like Mozart’s music in which he heard an entire piece all in one instant then
wrote it down in “linear” time. Poetry can be like that also—it’s all there beyond
the conscious horizon and just flows out onto the page. Since the Muse is greatly
amplified during a kundalini awakening, we must learn how to fit genius level
gnosis into a flatland and subrational culture. The Gods may not get jealous, but
people surely do. So skillful means and timing are very important in expressing
and presenting the “higher” knowledge that maybe coming through us during
awakening. More often than not you will have to sit on your revelation, and
incubate it into a polished work of art or science which can readily be digested by
“the people” when the time is right.
People get into trouble by raising kundalini without first building up the
body’s integrity and establishing the powers of inner-guidance. That is why I stress
establishing health, spiritual vocation and the inner voice of God (Muse), the
individual genius, as primary. Going after the gold without having a bag to carry
it in is frankly as waste of time. The worst thing about post-awakening life is that

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