
(nextflipdebug5) #1

we feel bereft of our muse having tasted it so acutely—if we have tasted what it is
to be a God—then we must set about feeding the God in us in every respect. You
could say that spiritual growth is about getting out of the road and becoming a
conduit for the flow of the Muse. The creative tension builds and the Muse is a
heat-seeking-missile device that must be satisfied. That satisfaction does come in
a Eureka, a finished painting, the end to a performance, an inner-conjunction or
an orgasm...then there is a lull, and then the creative tension of the Muse builds
again, on onto the next thing. Thus the authentic self rides a roller coaster ride of
accumulating facets of Self discovery, through the play of dynamic inner-outer
forces on all levels. Increasing satisfaction with the very nature of this hyperbolic
tension and release process of the Muse is the mark of someone who is both tuned
into their Self and tuned into the process of life itself.
Nature is perfect in her curves...the animating force of Divine Intelligence
builds toward a completion. The reward chemistry itself provides the high and
the period of coming down off of the reward chemistry provides the lull of
recuperation. If these cycles aren’t respected and you dive right into the next thing
before the cycle has completed then you are simply NOT following the force of
Divine Intelligence, but your own ego drives. In this way by not respecting the
curves of nature we cut ourselves off from our superhuman genius.
The only viable spiritual form in the Universal sense is the individual and his
Muse. The Muse is the animating force of Divine Intelligence.
The way through blockage, resistance and opposition is to raise your energy level
and presence till the miasma becomes transparent, disappears and can be released.
The Muse is more alive than any part of our life, for it is the seed and source of
life and the driving force of our existence. It is also nonlocal and transtemporal...
thus we might call it a hyperspace library with an omniscient librarian. The Muse
has superpowers at its disposal, and will use whatever tools we allow it to access. If
you let it the “Muse” will continue to help you clear all obstacles between you and
the optimum energy levels. Infuse the Muse (living spirit) into all your suspended,
stuck areas in order to become more intimate (present) with yourself and the
world. Know that you cannot change the world, but you can change yourself.
Spirituality in my mind is the transcendence of is an added dimension
beyond cultural conditioning, through the building of the personal umbilical to
the Divine/Cosmos, via the initiation of the solar heart. Spirituality is creative
redemption...that is reclaiming the universal self from the abuses, stigmas, power
trips, intimidations, seductions, manipulations and original sin of society at large.
That is self love!
I think the next big jump in cognition will come when large groups of people
have been through intense kundalini awakenings and have disembedded from the
culture and the archetypal nature of their own minds. With this “internal distance”
there is more forthright power and passion to bring the product of our Muse into
existence. Without this focus on genius then there is no “added thing,” no increase
in evolution for the whole of increase in sanity. Thus not only is
there a spiritual imperative, but there is a moral imperative to follow the inner

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