
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Pitfalls on the Path

This is a summary of some obstacles we might encounter on our journey toward
supreme consciousness. We are each a spectrum of various degrees of pitfalls that
make up our shadow side. The shadow playing into the light and the light playing
into the shadow. Love-consciousness would be the light side that is half of who
we are. The dark side would be the recalcitrant neglect of cues from body-mind-
soul-muse regarding the appropriate care and love-consciousness for self or other.
Shadow is perhaps the separate-self-sense’s blind concern and focus on that which
stops the heart from expanding to infinity.

  • Pathological regression
    Retreat into infantile prerational uroboric fusion. Indulgence in dissolution and
    fragmentation; often due to lack of modeling, support, structure or clearly defined
    developmental framework of ascent that covers all sides of the whole human (ie:
    lines, levels, states and stages). Desire to let ones life collapse in the hope of being
    rescued. Retreat into depression and grief to escape more expansive perception and
    profound sense of being

  • running away
    Retreat and evasion through dissociation and denial. Inertial holding back to
    former modes of perception and being. Effort to pull energy down, back and
    in through substance addictions, heavy food, sedentary lifestyle and through
    avoidance of “opening” practices and therapy. Secondary fear chemistry due to
    negative interpretation of kundalini events resulting in panic, paralysis, stagnation,
    isolation and avoidance. Even running away from bliss and increased wellbeing
    with various forms of anaesthetization, self-repression and self-destruction. We
    transcend suffering by moving through it rather than away from it.

  • oblivion
    Bliss obsession is a preoccupation and addiction to blissful energy, using it as a
    form of narcotic anaesthetization to avoid real world obligations, survival and
    development imperatives. Hazy, diffuse, forgetful, preoccupied, heedlessness, day
    dreaming, castle building, directionless. Lost in fantasy, trance, myth, symbol,
    story, meaning making, synchronicities and connections. Creativity at the expense
    of survival, through avoidance of rational discernment.

  • Diffusion
    Loss of left-brain focusing and hierarchical prioritization. Chain of Being collapsed.
    Codependency, dependency, false security in catering to the egos of others,
    coupled with lower-order giving through forms of slavery whereby ones highest
    contribution is lost in obscurantism, confusion, ambiguity, paradox, double-binds
    due to the collapse of the hierarchical prioritizing faculty. Indistinct, labyrinthine,
    vague, leaky boundaries, jumbled, enigmatic.

  • Directionlessness
    Stay focused on something to look forward to, something you want to do, build
    the image of that up in your mind, write it out and start making plans. As soon

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