
(nextflipdebug5) #1

as you engage yourself into some future fun thing, your body-mind-spirit will
come together. Your energies cannot ascend coherently unless you are using active
imagination in all five senses to visualize where you want to go, who you want to
be, and what you want to do.

  • Problem mind
    What you focus on grows. Gossiping or worrying about “The Problem” will
    generally only perpetuate and increase the problem and cause some form of
    shadowy backlash. Focusing on the problem to the exclusion of positive action,
    is moral-masturbation. Problem consciousness is a kind of social conspiratorial
    gossip, which holds energy down into our more primitive reptilian wiring. This
    undermines our immune system and prevents the high-energy states that build
    toward visionary chemistry. If we waste our energy in problem-gossip we lose the
    window of opportunity for revelation and gnosis. If a negative issue needs to be
    brought to the attention of others, try and use positive visionary solutions orientated
    language to frame the problem. This empowers both you and the listener, creates
    less resistance and speeds social change.

  • Fixation on internal Processes
    Overly fascinated, morbidly curious, distracted by and absorbed in kundalini
    symptoms, psychic phenomena and newfound spiritual powers (siddhas). This
    compulsive obsession with symptoms and phenomena feeds inflation and interferes
    with relationships and functional utility. Possible secondary fear or depression
    over the temporary loss of adaptive functions and left-brain sharpness. Inability
    to disembed to perceive emotional storms as psychosomatic events of alchemical
    cycles. Excessive reactivity to conditions both internal and external.

  • i nability to Face the shadow
    Freedom is only gained by facing the Shadow. Default states of fear, doubt,
    cynicism, apathy etc...prevent the sanitizing atonement of facing of the Shadow.
    This Shadow is infects and corrupts through an infectious bad-faith and negative
    condemnation of the world. It is a low energy defense strategy. To gain power over
    the Shadow it must be faced with an open heart that exposes the lower energies
    without being dragged down to resonate in the Shadow frequencies. Call this
    Spiritual Immunity...a priori incorruptible, perfect, sublime goodness, (ie: wisdom
    or Horus) and knowledge that the light of Heart-intelligence wins supreme in
    every battle no matter what the outcome.

  • chasing the Dragon
    Blindly engaging in practices, stimulants, relationships and events with the aim of
    rapidly increasing the intensity and speed of the trajectory of kundalini opening.
    Thereby increasing the danger of more extreme peaks and valleys, which could
    result in tissue damage, depression, regression and burnout. Self destructive use of
    the alchemy for thrills, novelty and status. If you find yourself earnestly desiring
    to be somewhere you are not spiritually, turn your attention onto your ambition
    itself. Where does this spiritual lust come from and how are you creating inner-
    violence and hurtfully rejecting your present self? The goal can only be as good as
    the means.

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