
(nextflipdebug5) #1

  • spiritual lust
    At the Unified Field level evolution is occurring at faster than light speed. You
    don’t have to lust after Spirit, for you are It and God is evolving at faster than the
    speed of light. Spiritual ambition in this context is a misunderstanding that blocks
    the natural unfolding of Spirit. For the vibration of spiritual craving prevents the
    realization of the a priori wholeness and limitless of Spirit. Spiritual craving is a
    self-inflicted deprivation state—drop it, and you are already home. Once there is a
    marriage between the subconscious and conscious minds the tension and urgency
    of spiritual lust disappears.

  • spiritual ego
    Spirituality pursued as an end in itself is simply the unctuous spiritual ego at
    work—which is fundamentally an issue of bad self-esteem. If we were raised to
    have good self-esteem, then spirituality just “is” and doesn’t need to be chased after
    like some lost thing that is forever over the event horizon. Hopefully humanity will
    soon start operating from a mode of “just don’t break it and it will remain whole.”
    Then we can all stop wasting our time pursuing something that is already innately
    ours. Wherein we can finally get down to the business of living that which we ARE
    without the need for permission, excuses or apologies.

  • i nability to “stop”
    In order to move faster, you have to slow down further...if you slow down enough
    you can move as fast as the Universe...faster than light speed. With any degree of
    urgency or tension however you will never melt into the Unified Field enough to
    marry the subconscious and conscious minds. This schism constitutes suffering,
    dissonance, chaos and lack of progress (evolution). This division between the
    inner Self and the outer conditioned personality leads to the homogenization of
    humanity into a painful Borg-like conformity where one can only “react” and
    learn to fit in through monkey see, monkey do.

  • i nflation~self engrandizement
    Expanded psychic ability, high energy and siddhas inflate the ego to feel overly
    special, superior and unique. This feeds into the separate-self-sense’s illusion of an
    independent existence and promotes selfishness or “my enlightenment for me,”
    or my enlightenment is “better” than yours. World savior, grand mission, martyr,
    new religions, global ideas, evangelical crusade. Visionary over-estimation of reality
    and potential, generating the propensity to forcibly impose ones will on the world.
    Reality moves at “its” pace not ours, if we try and urgently push our agenda it is
    counterproductive, the world of human ego forcibly resists us.

  • Deflation~self Diminishment
    Self criticism is a reverse or negative egoism that generates paradoxical intent.
    Paradoxical intent being a con-voluted self fulfilling prophesy of reverse-will. Self-
    doubt is a surefire way to abort the possibility of success. We thus generate the
    level of success we feel we deserve by our degree of self-acceptance, degree we have
    resolved the tension in our pain-body and the degree to which we can love through
    the separation between inner and outer, self and other. The transparency to spirit

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