
(nextflipdebug5) #1

in avoiding either egoic inflation or deflation helps us to simply be Present and to
see through the multiple escape routes we use to be anywhere else but here now.

  • Belligerent over-sincerity
    Only the coolest most elite teachers and teachings will suffice. To be worn as badges
    of power, prestige and manipulation. This is a mean spiritual materialism that
    beats others over the head with its sense of righteous superiority. The insensitivity
    to the universal principle of “Necessity” in spiritual unfolding, prevents a sensitive
    appreciation of infinite diversity of paths and of allowing others their own unique
    process free from critical disapproval. Spiritual Nazis spend a lot of energy keeping
    their ideology intact and inflict it on those around them; whereas no human can
    presume to know the path of another.

  • i dle speculation
    False stimulation of the bodymind’s appetite for excitement through wild,
    misinformed, confabulations of alternative realities like the 12th planet, alien
    intervention in human evolution, reptilian illuminati, UFO’s, past lives,
    communicating with the dead etc... When in Reality things are so much more
    exciting, unbelievable and interesting than anything that could be contrived at by
    the sensationalist imagination.

  • i nternal exploitation
    Turning the sacred into the profane. Lack of integration between the levels,
    coupled with disillusionment about achieving “higher goals.” Hence exploitation
    of sex/kundalini/muse energy for “worldly goals” of power, status or monetary
    gain. “Using” oneself is an introverted symptom of inflation. The more we exploit
    ourselves the more others exploit us. Treating ourselves as a resource without
    regard for our spiritual welfare.

  • external exploitation
    Using powerful psychic and siddha powers to exploit others in order to fulfill ones
    own drive for power, status or monetary gain. Lust, usurpation, manipulation,
    dominator-hierarchies. Power mongering is an extraverted symptom of inflation.
    The more we exploit others, the more we exploit ourselves through turning the
    sacred into the profane. Treating others as a resource without regard for their
    spiritual welfare.

  • Projecting spirit
    Transference onto Gurus, lovers, alien or channeled entities, angels, saints disownership of ones own alchemical process, soul and muse. Feels like
    a powerful force enacting on us from outside, sometimes seeming too great for
    mortal endurance. Externalization of internal archetypal aspects (Great Attractors)
    ultimately resulting in our reclaiming them as our own through the pain generated
    by the projection.

  • Formalism
    Entrenched preoccupation with appearances, rules, forms, formulas, dogmas, details,
    rituals and traditions of religious sects. Fanaticism, orthodoxy, fundamentalism,

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