
(nextflipdebug5) #1

letter of the word, conservatism, conventional, spiritual materialism, elitism/
exclusion, need to “belong.” Formalism feeds into power, pride and defense systems
of the psyche. It is sacrifice of the inner living truth to an external ideology. As
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead
where there is no path and leave a trail.”

  • Perpetual seeker
    Looking for wholeness and Self outside oneself. Fragmentation due to lack of
    coherent integration, individuation and boundary definition. Spirit always over the
    horizon, without serious intention of achieving Self, due to resistance to sovereignty
    and autonomous choice. Tendency toward projecting Spirit and formalism. Need
    for parental figures as there is an unconscious commitment to remain immature,
    obsequious and surrender ones personal power. Bottom dog trying to gain power
    through connection to a Guru or power figure.

  • addiction to cognition
    Inability to relax into the spaciousness of the transrational due to tenacious drive of
    the mind to “know.” Unwilling to let go of focal, associative, analytic mind in order
    to transcend and include it in “whole-seeing” and full spectrum consciousness.
    Resistance to relinquishing the myopia of the representational mind and thus
    avoid uniting the relative will with the Absolute Will; perhaps due to lack to lack
    of faith or knowledge that there is anything higher than intellect.

  • absolute Knowledge
    Loss of growth potential by closing off to new information due to the hubris of a
    premature claim to enlightenment. Rigidified bubble of the known as a defense
    against chaos, dynamism, dissolution and breakdown—thereby preventing
    resurrection to a higher order. Bombastic grandiose omniscience. Cults, obdurate,
    implacable, inflexible, rigid, unshakable, stagnant. Dogmatic scientific orthodoxy.
    Arrogance, self-righteousness, self-justification, vanity, pride, top of the heap.
    Forgets beginners mind due to inflation, hence pride makes one ignorant of ones
    ignorance—growth is suspended.

  • Fear of stepping outside the Box
    Giving oneself license to be oneSelf in a conformist world that is probably not
    going to appreciate what we have to offer anyways, now that is the challenge. Our
    spiritual vocation ultimately it boils down to what is “fun” and natural for us. We
    each have to “do” what we “are.” It doesn’t really matter if someone’s flights of
    fantasy are a little “out there.” Consider if Gaudi, Tolken or Mozart had limited
    their expression to what had been done before. The spiritually integrated “decision
    making process” happens from beyond the linear mind and self-identity. Thus there
    is a higher order of discernment that arises subliminally from soul and universal
    connection itself...this is genius. All geniuses path the way for us to polish our
    substance and show up as bright as we can be.

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