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development, but then you have got to be “ready” and to open to Eros, or you
simply do not get the benefits of the evolutionary impulse.

Individual and Collective Pitfalls
The pitfalls to spiritual progress describe interference patterns in the growth
of the individual toward being a cosmic citizen or mystic. By dealing with our
individual pitfalls, we bring about a revolution in the world through the reduction
of chaos, irrationality and narcissism. The Global Brain is only as sane as the
differentiation, individuation and development of the individual neurons within
it. Through overcoming our pitfuls we gain the self-transparency necessary to more
perfectly commune with the other neurons in the collective brain. The pace of the
emergence of the Superman and the refinement of our collective consciousness is
increasing geometrically. Once we pull out all the stops, the pretensions, exclusions
and primate power games, then the miracle of spiritual community will be readily
apparent in daily life.
In establishing the new mode of global society we don’t have time to fall prey
to the default of habitual depression. Thus we must spread new thought, new
energy and behavior that is uplifting and empowering to the “souls” of individuals.
I think that depression is a kind of aborted “Self-response-ability.” Those suffering
extended depression get the first half of the equation right “facing reality,” but
they then fail to continue the process of emergent consciousness by going the next
magic step and “transcending reality.” That is allowing a transcendent reality to
emerge through God’s Grace. The transcendent reality becomes us when we fully
embrace our destiny...through our willingness to suffer we transcend suffering.
Some say that we only grow through pain, but I like to think we really grow by
learning the lessons of pain, which forces us to lessening our separation and re-
member the One.
Purgatory is normally seen as the purification of certain souls after death
in order to allow entry into friendship with God, and consequently the eternal
happiness of heaven. But for those living in active kundalini “purgatory” can
describe the middle phase, where you can tangibly see and feel the collective hell
“because” you have one foot in heaven. There is the Grace and openness to become
cognizant of a larger reality, but as yet the seeker doesn’t have the spiritual strength
to fully embrace heaven while in hell, through deep recognition of the Tao and
nondualism. Purgatory can be seen as the purifying fire of kundalini that slowly
eliminates the ego, removing separation and uniting the soul with the Universal.
Perhaps purgatory is the burning process of conscience...not only does one
burn up ones own sins, but burns up the sins of the parents and culture. As Jung
says, “the only sin is unconsciousness.” Thus if we haven’t exactly been loved by our
parents etc... then the fires of purgatory burn through this unlove (unconsciousness)
allowing us to ultimately love ourselves. Till then we are somewhat at war with
a world that seems out to get us. As the fires of purgatory burn, we become
increasingly at peace with ourselves and the world. The successful navigation of
this phase requires the submission to a vocation of reparations, regeneration and
spiritualization in ones own life and in the world around one.

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