
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Part Viii

KUnDalini Practices

Kundalini Skills List Part Viii—KUnDalini Practices

With a kundalini self-care program we are literally capturing
the energies of nature and putting them into our cells!
Kundalini will permanently rewire the bodymind to release the stored tension
of the body armor of the dispossessed self—for all we do to our self in the form of
contraction, denial, negation, abuse, shaming, neglect in an attempt to avoid our
True Nature. Kundalini is not a walk in the park, transformation is not for the
weak and unstable—we must be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
prepared to handle the awesome force of kundalini. If there is a significant loosening
of the armor without sustained integral practice and intent, then the armor will
reinstate itself and rubber band back into place. The following tools of self-recovery
and coping are derived from spontaneous arising solutions stemming from many
years of processing kundalini, and merely hint at what is possible.
This list of meta-adaptation and mastery skills largely arose through shear
necessity, the energy presenting its own solution. My personal list is not meant
to disempower you from finding your own answers, for I think each of us can
find whatever answers we need within ourselves. Since kundalini is the energy of
Individuation it is the source of creativity and gnosis, therefore to find ourSelf we
need not look beyond our Selves. A sovereignty that comes through another or
needs the “confirmation” of another is not much of sovereignty is it? Hence to thine
own Self be true. I think a combo of strengthening, stretching, shaking, aerobic,
listening, exploring, extending, feeling, fast and slow, grounding and vocalizing
practices to be the “best.” Whatever we are called to do by the energy itself, and
you will find that since kundalini is the force of nature, it literally commands you
to be out in nature.

  • Gratitude—gets the whole ball moving to melt the fear and resistance to life that
    has solidified in the body. It also helps deal with the disorientation and vulnerability
    inherent in opening oneself up to the world. We don’t really know the meaning of
    gratitude until we experience the amplified love and heart expansion generated by
    a kundalini awakening. Gratitude is the measure of our aliveness and the “quality”
    of our Presence—the quality of our Presence, determines the quality of our life.
    Gratitude is sure fire insurance against stress, hypertension and depression, and
    it increases happiness and efficacy and synchronicity. With gratitude to move to
    the beat of Kairos rather than Chronos. Existence is defined by our ability to
    appreciate it.

  • Big Fun Practice— Big Fun is the transcendent condition of metanoia. It is
    actually disembedded from body, mind, circumstance and conditions—it is a priori
    state or attitude—it is an unconditional perspective of sublime humor. Pursuit
    of happiness should be our highest goal. Positive emotions widen our worldview

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