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and expand our resourcefulness, while negative emotions narrow and constrict.
Happiness fires up the prefrontal lobes and so “play” naturally makes us more
creative. Novelty is a permutation that allows reconstruction and refinement. Thus
because it increases consciousness in stream of daily life Big Fun is our growing
edge and our highest practice! I want to distinguish between the normal way we
think of pleasure and fun and Big Fun. Big Fun is an upheaval of our comfort
zone, we are not just playing around, we are Really Playing in full originality and
resourcefulness. That is we are performing in perfect sync in the moment without
hesitancy, ego blockage or shades of depression that would pull us back from our
edge. Big Fun is life in the raw.
In Big Fun the “content” of our lives finds a peaceful resting place in the
spaciousness of Big Mind and we have room to expand out to the totality of
our lives periscoped into the moment. It is not the normal myopic-fun we try
to have from a sense of deprivation with our addictions, substitute gratifications,
entertainment, or social distractions. Big Fun is not of Thanatos, but of Eros so it
is not had by “trying” but by “being.” By alignment of body, mind and soul to live
the life of the Spirit. And since Spirit is already complete Big Fun is a liberating
radiance rather than a coying need.
Big Fun is is transcendent of work, duty, family and is a cathartic transmutation of daily life. It is the Grand Adventure...
the dance of the Muse in the Eternal. It is the integration of the soul in ones lived
experience, in the engagement of Kosmic Purpose...Big Fun is Nomind, Flow, “I
and the Father are one,” No-self; and the only thing standing in the way of Big
Fun is fear. The Big Fun prerogative is to express ever more genuine and higher
fun—to take fun where no man has gone before—to bring serious fun into the lives
of others. To not just be pumped up on the hysterical pretend fun of Thanatos,
but to be engaged in the real thing—Spiritual Fun (Eros). Big Fun is redemption,
release, relief, purification, rarefaction, rebirth, redemption, forgiveness, salvation,
sanctification, validation, absolution, atonement, transubstantiation, rebirth,
innovation and revolution.
Big Fun is the most strenuous practice demanding the most acute growth curve
and pious effort to remain on focus as to the next spontaneous Big Fun action.
Our experience will evolve over time to more genuine and deeper forms of Big
Fun. How does ones Big Fun fits into the larger scheme of things, will it be a force
for social change and transformation? How much Big Fun can I allow ourselves?
What are the consequences of Big Fun? What am I doing here if not to have Big
Fun? What is Big Fun in the 21st Century?

  • How to avoid a Kundalini awakening—Eat a heavy cooked diet, do not
    exercise or spend time in nature, waste your energy on alcohol and cigarettes,
    do not meditate, avoid spiritually advanced people, do not get into stressful
    or challenging situations, do not sail across the ocean or do anything remotely
    adventurous, breath shallow, avoid music, dance, drumming and raw food. Do
    not fall in love, and especially do not love any guru type. Do not feel any gratitude
    or mystical feelings. Have no awe over creation, cultivate a mean, small and nasty
    nature, do not use your intellect, and do not follow your muse or your heart.

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