
(nextflipdebug5) #1

  • Why not to avoid a Kundalini awakening—You can try to avoid kundalini
    if you are bent on avoiding your soul and your edge, because kundalini is just the
    energy of amplified life. It’s the coil-essence of all the energy generating systems
    in the body at peak energy and communication. It maybe inconvenient, but I
    don’t think one is truly alive without experiencing a kundalini awakening. It’s the
    beginning of the mystic journey. Whether one is on an up-cycle or a down-cycle
    all kundalini activity occurs within a background of bliss. There is nothing to fear
    with kundalini, but our ignorance of it.

  • Hanging—Hanging from the hips over a bar 10 minutes a day is the best place
    to “start” our kundalini skills practice. I think it the most significant factor in
    “sustaining” a de-contraction progress. Hanging is a general pick-me-up and the
    more pick-me-up we do, the higher our general operating mode. The higher our
    baseline level then the higher we ascend during an expansion of consciousness,
    and the more likely we are to have the resources for stabilizing, substantiating and
    gaining productivity from our excursions into deeper aspects of ourselves. It opens
    the pelvis to energy from the earth bringing new life into the legs, elongates my spine
    giving the nerves new life, and feeds the brain of course by being upside down. It
    allows the sympathetic trunks and plexus to be fed better with the decompression
    of the spine, and new blood/lymph/O2 entering the area. Hanging is a catalyst to
    metabolism and consciousness in general, due to increased blood to the brain, but
    also through extra lymphatic stimulation. The bar should be about 1.5”-2” wide;
    put a towel over it for padding; hang from the hips with both the arms and legs
    hanging free off the ground. Start off at 5 minutes in the morning, and 5 in the
    late afternoon or so. Do not do handing during major heart expansion periods,
    or during times of high blood pressure in the head associated with sympathetic
    nervous system hyperactivation.

  • Full already Breathing meditation—Consider that the Golem in us is created
    out of deprivation, fear and pain. We can directly approach this state rather than
    working through the myriad of content within the Golem personality. You lie
    on you stomach in bed and breathe into your belly. On the in breath you think
    “Full” and on the out breath you think “Already.” You keep doing this till the
    sense of need, Void and lack of Presence in the belly is relieved. I think half hour
    sessions would be good for a start, tuning in nightly. By lying on your belly you
    get a tactile sense of the “hole” in ones belly and by felt-sensing the words “Full
    Already” it’s like calling ones spirit home. The more you do this the more you get
    a sense of what it is you are depriving yourself of, your “precious” Presence, and
    what being Full Already means in all facets of ones life. Happiness comes down to
    our ability to generate unconditional joy as our baseline state. The karma of our
    daily life reflects our capacity to en-joy ourselves...that is to fill ourselves with joy
    simply through breathing and being alive. I notice that if you are mindful of the
    air atoms hitting the nostrils, you can actually generate en-joyment. Then once is
    the chemical state of en-joyment, then the duality/samsara is not as convincing, we
    do not get “stuck” so much.

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