
(nextflipdebug5) #1

  • syncopated toning—One day I found a neat affect when I was sitting down by
    the river near a little waterfall/rapids...and started to Huuu. Then I toned vowel
    sounds very loud...and I noticed that when the tone is directed toward the rapids,
    the air filled with the sound of the rapids creates an interference pattern with the
    tone one is emitting and what ends up happening is a staccato vibration in the
    diaphragm created by the interference pattern of the merging sounds. In this way
    the effect of toning on the body is greatly amplified when the tone is directed at
    the noise of the falling water.
    When each tone finds Atonement with the river sound the staccato effect
    is “felt” and heard. If the tone is slightly “off ” in relationship to the river the
    syncopation effect doesn’t occur. However the sensitive body-voice naturally tunes
    to the correct tone...nature the great tuning fork. The syncopated toning I found
    July 2002 when in extreme horniness with the kundalini...I went down to the
    river to try and get some relief and found that staccato effect...I was so blown
    away, I thought I had discovered a new law of the physical universe, of course this
    distracted me from my oppressive sex energy. Once the diaphragm learns how
    to do this you can retain the staccato ability even without using a river when the
    kundalini light is highly active.

  • excess Grounding—In July 2000 my Christ Heart or the Solar Heart was coming
    on daily as I walked outside and as it did I was being pulled into the earth with
    such force that I found it hard to walk. To ease the grounding I learnt to lie flat
    on the ground with my spine on the earth...this greatly speeds up the grounding
    process, so that when I stood up again I could walk around with ease. From
    grounding in this way there was less “pull” on my heart but the heart expansions
    would then break open my chest. To take the pressure off my heart I remembered
    that apes beat rhythmically on their thymus when nervous...this thumping on
    my chest helped to take the unbearable tension off my expanding heart. So when
    the gravity warping and grounding pull come one with the Solar Heart first lie
    on the open ground for at least half an hour, then thump the sternum. Also a
    repolarizing technique when one is radically being pulled into the ground, is to
    sunbath exposing ones genitals to the sun.

  • increase Grounding—Failure to ground involves a stressed or damaged nervous
    system. Grounding reduces the dissonance and depolarization of the nerves and
    reduces stress. We can reduce electric interference with electronic equipment by
    increasing our grounding. The primary grounding procedure is to lie your spine
    on the earth or rock for half an hour or more. Hang out at a negative ion rich
    environment such as a stream or waterfall while you do this and you get bonus
    points. The ultimate thing for removing extra static energy is the spinal shower, and
    also Dr. Fred Bell’s Negative Ion Showers. Need I say that sex will also help reduce
    the kundalini’s interference with electronic equipment, but it can also increase
    kundalini. Dancing and Reiki would be good. Put some more green plants around
    your computer, and if you are still having problems you might want to invest in an
    inexpensive negative ion generator for your computer room or an indoor waterfall.

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