
(nextflipdebug5) #1

  • clearing negative attachments—One method of releasing negative, primitive
    defense mechanisms is to CLEAR the solar plexus of its unhealthy attachments.
    Imagine you are floating in space and you have an umbilical cord connected from
    your solar plexus to those you are emotionally bonded to. One by one cut off the
    umbilical cord to each person and see them float away from you. When all the
    cords are cut do all kinds of flips, cartwheels, swimming movements and twists
    and turns to express your glee at being free and boundless in space, with no gravity
    weighing you down. This is one way to give up the reptilian—clinging/aversion
    level of bonding to elevate the relationship to the heart and higher chakras. The
    lower unconscious bonds diminish US all.

  • affirmations—Affirmations can be used like pointing out instruction to corral
    thought/emotion/state into more expansive directions. Often you might find
    yourself slipping down in mood or thought and need to catch yourself with some
    well remembered little catch phrases that pull ones state up by the bootstraps. In
    the book...What to Say When You Talk to Your Self by Shad Helmstetter, he suggests
    that such self-talk, used in reprogramming more idealized behavior and states, can
    be recorded on tapes. If one listens to such self-talk tapes the information tends to
    be absorbed by osmosis into the subconscious. Such a technique will also help to
    keep at the ready and fresh in the mind the catch phrases that will tune our being
    in the direction that we really want to go in.

  • integrative-empowerment meditation—This is simply focusing, first on the
    body, then mind-temporals, the heart and the soul-prefrontals with the minds eye
    and saying to each one: I empower my body...I empower my mind...I empower
    my heart...I empower my soul. What happens is that the focused attention forces
    one to breathe life energy into all these aspect of ourselves one after the other. The
    meditation is to help empower prepare one to walk through the barrier/threshold
    that separates one life era from another. That is to make changes. You can lie down
    or sit during the meditation and envision a special door, or gates that one stands
    before while doing this. Pull your mind away from present affairs and don’t dwell
    to any “content” of the life journey. Consciousness can be focused and the body-
    mind-soul-heart infused with consciousness is a lot happier and whole than one in
    which dissociative amnesia and lack of “readiness” is occurring.

  • Building a self-system—Although it is useful to use all the guided meditation
    materials out there, we really need to build the sense that we are our own “creator.”
    Both healing and enlightenment arise from going directly to the SOURCE with
    no inner or outer go-between. As Anthony De Mello say, “In the things that really
    matter, life, love, reality, God, no one can teach you a thing.” Building the power to
    explore, initiate and choose inner content is the first step in a deeper relationship
    with ourselves. Active imagination and visualization work for building a self-
    structure, boundaries, wound healing, and creating trust, faith and openness.
    Developing a deeper sense of internal-self involves skills which are essentially not
    taught but are found within. The issue of self-determinacy and self-realization needs
    to be explored in this age of pathological leadership and oligarchy. Self-integrity,

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