
(nextflipdebug5) #1

self-integration, self-rights, self-healing needs to be built on a deeper foundation of
anarchism and self-authority to be fully realized. The book “Oneness” by Rasha is
particularly good for self-building, and Jerry Minchinton’s Maximum Self-Esteem is
the best book I have found of establish a strong self-system. The Magic in your Mind
by U.S. Anderson is great for inspiration and building inner resourcefulness.

  • Fluctuating temperature—During kundalini there are several factors operating
    on our temperature regulation. First there is extra energy moving through the
    hypothalamus which controls body temperature. Then there is the fluxing back
    and forth of the parasympathetic and sympathetic sides of the nervous system.
    And also there is the change in metabolic energy generation in the mitochondria
    of nerve cells and other cells that can generate great heat at times. Plus changes in
    neurotransmitters like serotonin and histamine which regulate heat, and also the
    sex hormones themselves increase basal heat generation. Thus during kundalini
    we often fluctuate between being hot and cold with the activation of the different
    sides of the nervous system. Sympathetic activation causes contraction of the blood
    vessels and draws blood away from our body surface and into the skeletal muscles.
    While parasympathetic activation opens out blood vessels and activates the fire in
    the digestive system.
    If you are too cold then avoid caffeine which contracts blood vessels; sugar
    and fruit also can make you feel cold. Take warming herbs like calamus, cayenne,
    ginger and spicy foods. Focus on deep breathing into the solar plexus. Go for a
    run, take a hot bath, sun bathe. Meditate and empty your mind of problems,
    worries or negativity. Imagine you are lying on a tropical beach getting massaged.
    If you are too hot then drink plenty of cool water spiked with Himalayan salt and
    Biosil. Make lots of green drinks with cucumber, celery and spinach stalks in them.
    Pineneedle tea also helps the body to endure hot or cold with ease, as does horsetail
    and silicon rich foods. Motherwort, ginseng, dandelion and chickweed might also
    help with heat. Sit or swim in rivers or the ocean, lie in cold grass and put feet in
    an ice-cold foot bath. Avoid spicy foods. Use an icepack on your forehead, back of
    neck and base of the spine. Imagine standing in an ice cold waterfall while drawing
    heat energy up and out. Freeze some berries such as blueberries or strawberries and
    periodically pop one in your mouth and suck on it. Make a berry smoothie with
    mango, berries, bananas that have been frozen.

  • eliminating enervation—Reduce stimulants, cut back on fruit %, increase
    greens and kelp for minerals, and drink heaps of water. Get plenty of nature and
    exercise. Preferably one has done ones major cleansing and fasting prior to the
    onset of kundalini. Avoid energy sapping people, situations, and environments and
    continually drop the contents of the mind and move onto your highest vision.

  • raw Diet—Cooked food and other denatured substances compound primal
    contraction through increased toxicity, free radicals and acid pH, which constrict
    all tissues and occlude the of life/light energy within and between cells. The body
    will need maximum enzymes, water and minerals during the decompression-
    expansion phase, or else the tendency is to retreat back our former hypoxic, acidic,

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