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toxic, contracted/defensive condition. Nature’s true needs must be addressed
beyond our concepts and habits. The best raw recipe book is: Raw: The Uncook
Book, Juliano Brotman and a great overview of the raw diet system is: Living Food
For Optimum Health, Brian Clement.

  • take time for rapture—At certain times of the year, often in April and July,
    the circuit between the heart and brain amplifies and the bliss and symptoms of
    kundalini increase. Give yourself permission to go into rapture at this time for this
    is what the body is wanting to do. Lie in bed, listen to music, breathe, do CMR.
    Carry the hand positions down over the liver, spleen and the belly, one hand on
    the belly and the other on the back of your neck. When the body wants to go into
    rapture, follow nature and obey. If you try to keep going with busy-work at this
    time, you will just do a half-pie job and experience dissonance and fatigue because
    you are disobeying the highest organic directive.

  • Healing the Heart Hole—This is a very direct way of addressing pain and
    deficiency in the heart. You just turn your etheric field from your brainstem back
    into the heart area at the back of your chest. With the mind’s eye imagine lines of
    magnetic force turning out of your brainstem and looping down into your heart.
    This works rapidly and is amplified when used in combination with long walks; it
    can probably used in panic and emotional trauma situations especially if assisted
    or encouraged by a stable practitioner.

  • spinal shower—The ultimate healing devise is a 3” thick column of warm
    mineral or Living-water which falls about 4 feet onto the spine, shoulders and
    head. It has radical effects in “unconditional meeting” and eliminating stored pain
    from the nervous system. While sitting under this flow one goes into a deep trance,
    fossilized pain rises to meet the water and is slowly eliminated. This facilitates
    healing of the neuromuscular system at the deepest possible level. The arrhythmic
    flow helps to break up structure and resistance. The effectiveness of the spinal
    shower in transforming the nervous system is largely due to waterfall electricity
    produced by the electrostatic charge of falling water, which repolarizes the nerves
    and allows neurons and all cells to detox and “let go.”

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