
(nextflipdebug5) #1

  • cold showers—Or jumping into cold streams etc... is essential to wake up
    the immune system, promote emotional strength and break victim-weakness
    mentality that perpetuates the destructive behavioral patterns. Baths and cold
    water dips are a lifesaver during kundalini awakenings for emotional strengthening
    and integration of the energy. Alternating hot and cold is one of the secrets for
    initiating kundalini.

  • Hydrotherapy Baths—One thing you might try is something that I am doing
    during periods when I need to grow-flow rapidly, or to metabolize high kundalini
    and high revelatory chemistry—is to take long baths with 1/4 cup of Epsom salts.
    During these baths I drink 2-3 quarts of chilled sun-water spiked with a drop of
    Himalayan Salt. Don’t forget the breathing, candles, plus music or audio programs
    while doing this. It really is the fastest way to both detox the body and to get
    consciousness flowing at much deeper and faster levels. The sun-water is made by
    leaving a glass bottle of filtered water out in the rays of the sun and moon for about
    24 hours. Although modern science might not be able to tell us why at this point,
    this solarized water does have a sweeter, less metallic and champagne-like quality.
    I also think a sensory-maximization-super-spa with hundreds of jets may work to
    release fossilized tension.

  • Foot Baths—Soaking feet in ice water when the kundalini heat or sex energy
    is high gives great relief. Also taking herbal baths or footbaths is stabilizing and
    nurturing. To energize use red clover, mint, peppermint or rosemary. To calm
    down use chamomile, lemon balm or catnip. For pain use ginger root, feverfew
    and white willow bark. For unblocking and cleansing use the leaves of burdock,
    plantain, yellow dock, yarrow and dandelion. Steep the chopped herbs in a big
    pot of water just off the boil, as though you were making a strong infusion. For
    Candida and fungal infection use ½ cup of baking soda in a footbath.

  • sun meditation—I find most expedient for gathering the necessary energy,
    and creating the greatest background sense of bliss and well-being. It is vital for
    continuing on this difficult work of unveiling the inner self. Lie on your back on the
    bare ground naked, opening legs and arms to the sun, like a solar collecting dish,
    turn closed eyes toward the sun and draw energy up the spine. This is great while
    doing hot rock therapy and taking intermittent dips in a cold stream. Obviously
    it’s not good for the skin to do this too long in the midday sun. Lying on the
    ground on ones back and exposing the genitals to the sun is the ultimate way of
    repolarizing during the exhausting grounding phase of the Solar Heart initiation.

  • rock meditation—Meditating at sunset or sunrise on rocks (especially iron rich
    rocks) seems to have an amplifying effect on the meditation, such that it can help
    prompt an acute phase of kundalini alchemy. Samadhi is more easily achieved this
    way. You might also notice an intense grounding episode after doing this; if so lie
    the spine on the ground if necessary.

  • Hot rock therapy—Collect various shapes and sizes of rocks that hold the
    heat from the sun well. You can build a healing temple space in the wild or use

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