
(nextflipdebug5) #1

the rocks at home. After the sun has heated the rocks put them over your body,
on your stomach, pelvis, chest, neck. You can hold them to your jaw, temple
and face or wherever there is congestion, pain and contraction. Lie and meditate
in the sun with the rocks on your body (rf: sun meditation). To move energy
through the pelvic area to counteract Western-numb-pelvis syndrome or sexual
abuse numbness—pile some rocks on your belly/pelvic area and masturbate gently
while trying not to tighten your stomach muscles. Orgasm is not important with
this exercise for the focus is on moving energy through the pelvis/stomach without
tightening muscles to force or control pleasure. This practice allows you to free
your sexuality and hence your Being from trauma, ego, deprivation-mode and
social conditioning. The wound will not disappear if you insist on operating out
of the wound.

  • rosen—is a form of bodymind work which is essentially meeting contraction
    with unconditionally loving hands and presence. This is excellent for addressing
    the gross and current manifestations of primal contraction. No other bodywork
    seems to get the individual to focus on the reality of their deep condition and to
    face their truth beyond the strenuous ego-armor blocking that occurs. Rosen is the
    lightest of bodywork, but it was more excruciating than Rolfing for me, because I
    began to feel the pressure of my own internal contraction as prana (consciousness)
    was “allowed” to move through the tissue. (kriyas).

•Bodywork—Because of the restructuring that is going on in the sensorymotor
cortex, cerebellum and brainstem sensory-motor body-centered psychotherapies like
Hakomi and Rosen Method are particularly useful during kundalini awakenings.
Reading: Body-Centered Psychotherapy: The Hakomi Method: The Integrated Use of
Mindfulness, Nonviolence and the Body by Ron Kurtz. For advanced practitioners:
The Sensitive Nervous System, by David S. Butler. If you need help in uncovering
and releasing the armor that is preventing a full experience of life, perhaps you
could find a Bioenergetic therapist in your area. Healing the numbness of the
abandoned/betrayed child requires actually touching the pain that brought on that
numbness and then filling that void with life, blood, love and spirit that we never
received. It maybe painful to do so, but ones closure needs to be touched and
transformed in order to “come alive.”

  • Belly love—During meditation if one turns the eyeballs directly down into
    the cheek area the energy flow is directed down into the belly. The belly is then
    nurtured with energy and a greater connection is achieved between the heart and
    the belly increasing digestive health and emotional equilibrium and awareness.
    The CMR jumper cable of one hand on the heart and the other on the belly will
    help direct healing love into the area.

  • mindfulness—must address our daily habitual responses, in a pervasive
    contraction watch...The egos habits of mind rule the body so we must open
    and reveal the mind, differentiate from the mind to free the body. Naming each
    thought as it arises allows us to differentiate from the reticulating mind: defense,
    justification, worry, blaming, avoidance etc...

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