
(nextflipdebug5) #1

we can say to ourselves: “You are so luscious, so beautiful, so sweet etc...” Just as
though we were our own Beloved. This counteracts the social forces that would
seek to use us as an object for the “machine.” For a while it is counterintuitive
to do this, however, this is not self aggrandizement, but merely attending to the
needs of the bodymind to grow in an environment that is conducive to the fluid
circulation of flows, hormonal production and neuronal strength. Liberating our
soma in this way, we free up our lives for depth, precision and evolution. It must
be done to overcome the cold claws of Thanatos that attempts to make us infinitely
smaller than we really are.

•Understanding cycles—Perhaps the most important aspect to grasp in navigating
the evolutionary energy, is that it is hyperbolic in nature, as is all nature. After the
grace of the influx of Light, the darkness is entered. After tasting the stars one
has to deal with the mud of ones existence and convert that mud into the lotus.
Spiritual mastery involves rising equally to the challenge of both the light and
the dark. After the light backs off there can be depression, achy body, sense of
emptiness and self-pity. And if you are not aware that this is all just shifting cycles
of chemistry there may be disillusionment, despair and self-hatred. Working with
the dark means breathing positivity into the feelings, rearranging beliefs to be more
empowering and giving the bodymind plenty of down time and resuscitation in

  • cultivating emotional equilibrium—Since it is the degree of emotional tension
    we hold which determines whether our emotional responses are healthy or hurtful to
    us, we should cultivate emotional equilibrium. That is the absence of accumulated
    emotional tension, so that we can experience equanimity. We reach this emotional
    equilibrium by “building energy reserves,” while “discharging tension.” This is
    accomplished by diet, fasting, sports, martial arts, intense vocalization, psycho-
    drama, addressing relationship problems, meditation, toning etc.... A state of high
    emotional tension is a weak and vulnerable state in which learning and Being is
    made impossible through discord.

  • Queen and King—I found that during meditation to direct ones eyeballs
    and ones attention back into the brainstem that this profoundly increases ones
    steadiness, centeredness and nobility. Brainstem mediation is good for centering,
    soul recovery, boundary formation and general healing of the entire bodymind.
    Perhaps it focuses consciousness in the occipital lobes which are serotonin based,
    contributing to integration and harmony.

  • soul’s Posture—If one walks along unconsciously, usually the shoulders are a
    little hunched and forward and the chin is out. It is exhausting to the bodymind
    to be in this posture-state. When one remembers the Self pulls the shoulders down
    and back, tucks in the chin (neck-lock-posture) and walks being pulled by an
    imaginary string at the top of one’s immediately enters the noble state.
    It is effortless to walk in this fashion, there is infinite energy just
    needs to be mindful enough to catch oneself when one has slipped into the ego’s
    walk. This shows how close the distance between hopeless-deprivation and faithful-

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