
(nextflipdebug5) #1

sufficiency. The Self embodies the body differently than the ego does. Mindfulness
helps us build the bridge of ego-Self in all our thoughts and actions.

  • outside in nature—If you are “working with” your awakening you will probably
    find that you are drawn to be outside in nature as much as possible during the day.
    This is a compelling intuition which should be followed. One’s life field is greatly
    expanded while kundalini is active and being indoors, especially in steel framed
    and concrete buildings, we notice that it feels like we are separate from ourselves
    or cutoff when inside buildings. The energetic charge and metamorphic process
    works more profoundly, deeply and with greater ease when the body is under an
    open sky, in touch with the bare earth, around moving water and fields of green.
    “...the earth’s natural field is severely distorted or altogether eliminated while you
    are inside.” 198, Subtle Energy, John Davidson.

  • sex in nature—Going nude in nature really helps to empower our full senses/
    sentience. The Kosmic human starts returning as soon as the body is placed
    unclothed in a vibrant natural ecosystem. This has something to do with the
    opening of the human energies fully to the larger energies of earth and Kosmos.
    Also you might find that when you do go into nature thus, and try immediately to
    have intercourse, the bodies are not receptive to sex in the normal self-indulgent
    soft-bed style. The bodymind first is engaged in integrating on a higher plane and
    needs time for “assimilation” of this super-sensory or aboriginal human condition.
    So one has to go into nature many times in the nude to elevate oneself to these
    higher energies, to make them conscious and to experience what full sensory
    intercourse is all about. Being so used to ego-driven usury sex, one has to wait for
    nature’s timing of these higher experiences of autopoietic Soul-sex.

  • Handling increased sexual energy—Kundalini awakenings mean radically
    amplified sex energy, so how do we deal with this? This entire list of kundalini
    skills will help strengthen our ability to handle sex energy. The irony is the more
    one works on integrating ones sex/kundalini energy the more it can flow, but we
    just become less wimpish about handling it. Once we “turn toward” it we can
    ask it to show us what is to be done; we “allow” it to transmute us. Toning, the
    microcosmic orbit, breathing and drawing the energy up the spine really helps...
    toning can be a lifesaver both when we are under energized and over energized.
    Note especially the need to ground your body through nature, lying on the ground,
    jumping into streams etc... It is most important to ones energy toward some higher
    creative project or to assist others. During the height of my 2000 awakening the
    only way for me to integrate the sex energy was to walk for hours outside each day
    for a period of 6 months or more. Normalization/integration of the excess energy
    took about 5 hours walking in nature a day.

•s upra-sex meditation—Perhaps the fastest method of accelerating metamorphic
alchemy, involves sensoral-imagining using the inner kinesthetic felt-sense of the
body to imagine one is having sex with a cosmic lover. This cosmic lover is the
“soul” making love to the body. This only really works when kundalini heat is
already highly active. I don’t think there is any way faster of refining, defining,

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