
(nextflipdebug5) #1

integrating and transforming the bodymind over from its more gross form to its
illuminated form. The key point however is that Supra-sex Meditation doesn’t
involve any touch, any normal sexual stimulation or any doesn’t even
necessarily involve visual fantasy. Go easy though, especially in the beginning you
need days, weeks or possibly even months of integration time after each session,
depending on how conducive your social environment is to you actually “showing
up.” I have done this a couple of times spontaneously and both times I woke up in
the morning, and my body looked alien to me, like it was somehow more “formed”
integrated and alive than I had previously known it to be. It is the sensation of
consciousness, that is the “feeling” of directed consciousness in the body which
transforms. Emotion far from being a primitive or lesser element of the Human is
the very force of atomic resonance, reconstruction and communication of matter-
energy-Spirit. Spiritual integrity entails an increase in listening to body, mind, soul
and earth via the evolution of Emotion itself. When we evolve to the subtle level
we speak with the e-motion of the Earth herself....God-Speak.

  • Working with excalibur, the silver cord—Stand tall with shoulders back ,
    breathing slow and deep; chin up, stomach pulled in, pelvis tucked under, with
    feet about a foot apart. Imagine a silver-white lightening rod extending through
    your spine, shooting up into the sky from the crown of your head, and extending
    deep into the ground from the coccyx. As you draw energy in to the Silver Cord
    it begins to glow and pulsate, dispersing energy through your body. By plugging
    oneself into the cosmos, this lightening rod connecting heaven and earth generates
    energy that can be used for healing yourself or others.

  • left-brain Freeze— I am still not clear as to what exactly the left-brain freeze is...
    the numbness might even be caused by endorphins, I only usually get a noticeable
    freeze during peak chemistry now, but it is there all the time to a degree. I will work
    on the freeze symptom more in BOK 2 to try and come up with some answers...
    it is a core symptom of the larger anhedonia - full body numbness problem that
    develops during the down side of a huge awakening. But the left-brain freeze seems
    to be so tenacious that our measures barely touch it. Until we know exactly what
    it is we just have to experiment around with our methods of alleviation. Various
    ways to deal with it include friction rubbing on the head and neck...bend over and
    rapidly rub your fingers back and forth along the scalp and neck. Put an alternating
    hot/cold shower on the area. Clearing the sinuses by pinching top of the nose and
    deep breathing. Tapping the left face, using an electric massage tool. My left-brain
    freeze seemed to be associated with the spleen and possibly through activation of
    the special metamorphic activity of the immune system. So tapping and centering
    love and breath in the spleen and thymus might facilitate the chemistry, even if it
    doesn’t alleviate the freeze symptom. Lymphatic massage of the belly and neck will
    also assist the process, as will rebounding.
    Try putting your feet in a footbath with 1/2 cup of baking soda once a week to
    alkalize your blood, or find some good mineral pools in your area. Rub in to face
    neck and even scalp a mixture of Rosemary essential oil, Beta Carotene (Dunaliella
    Salina), Borage oil, Vitamin E. This might help with the dropping of the facial

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