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muscles on the left side that can occur with the left-brain freeze, to help to reduce
the severity of this loss of muscle tone and nerve function. For me at least there
was a slight interference or loss of nerve function to the facial muscles which caused
a mild stroke like affect to the left side of my face. I suspect all the neurological
herbs will help, Vitamin C, Alpha lipoic acid and DMAE and Choline and B vits.
Lethicin, Omega 3’s, fish oil and greens should reduce nerve damage. I suspect that
acupuncture and acupressure massage will help maintain facial tone.

  • ecstasy meditation—I found this meditation while developing a painting for
    Michael DuBois, the webmaster for I was drawing an
    image of a woman in ecstasy so I needed to put my face into ecstasy to get the
    right position of the features and the lighting. So lying in bed I held up mirror
    up to my face while attempting to put it into ecstasy. Needless to say that when
    one does this the crystal chamber does light up, and the lesser mind is obliterated.
    I found out that if one does this meditation prior to sleep using the mirror as
    a biofeedback machine to ensure a perfect facial representation of ecstasy, that
    sleep is much deeper. Also during the day as I was walking down the road, I
    remembered the ecstasy meditation and could put myself in ecstasy on command.
    Ultimately if done consistently it should change the facial features more toward
    happiness, which will alter ones social relationships and personability. The Inner
    Smile Meditation works in the same manner.

  • enduring ecstasy—Ecstasy can indeed make us dysfunctional especially if we
    have PTSD from childhood. If our brain is geared toward anaesthetization through
    massive endorphins and intense pleasure, this can interfere with productivity and
    undermine basic drives, ambition and direction. We can however use the ecstasy
    as a means to become increasing lucid instead of oblivious. The trick to enduring
    ecstasy without being undone by it is to penetrate into the stillness with intent,
    questions and goodwill. The ecstasy then becomes a means to not to avoid reality
    but to directly perceive it with greater depth. Tolerating and allowing ecstasy is
    perhaps the hardest spiritual task, for it requires us to let go of our known self and
    The short list for tolerating ecstasy is to relax, belly-breathe, ground feet, focus
    on the Hara, draw energy up the spine, prolonged toning and long walks. You also
    have to stop trying to collect the kinesthetic sense in the head into a pinpoint of
    concentration (digital mind) and to generate the sense of serenity in the temporal
    lobes. The microcosmic orbit of circulating energy around the body, up the back
    and down the front also helps. But most importantly you must not get “upset”
    about the inability to focus on keeping all your ducks in a row. Baths, catnip tea
    and extending the energy to others are some other tricks that help in enduring and
    metabolizing extreme ecstasy.

  • Haka—The haka is a Maori war chant that precedes battle, in order to motivate
    the warriors psychologically and to threaten the enemy. it is delivered with loud
    shouting and forceful flexing arm movements, to invoke the god of war and to
    discourage and frighten the enemy. It involves fierce facial expressions and grimaces,

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