
(nextflipdebug5) #1

poking out of the tongue, eye bulging, grunts and cries, waving of weapons and
rhythmic thumping of ones thighs, biceps and chest. The hands, arms, legs, feet,
voice, eyes, tongue and the body as a whole combine to express courage, annoyance
or aggression. The haka is an excellent kundalini tool, both for raising kundalini,
freeing its movement and for grounding and integrating the energy. It will also
enhance confidence and improve the immune, lymphatic and circulation systems
and clear the lungs. Also will also eliminated stagnant energy from the nervous
system and aids in the liberation of pent-up or repressed emotions. There are
plenty of version of the Haka on web videos.

  • self-care shortlist for Dealing with social stress—The way through blockage,
    resistance and opposition is to raise your energy level and presence till the miasma
    becomes transparent, disappears and can be released. Know that you cannot change
    another, but you can change yourself. Light a candle, put on some music (Koyasan

  • by Deuter) and take a long path with Epsom salts. Do this at least every second
    day for a while. Drink extra water, with a pinch of Himalayan salt in it...up to
    5 qts a day. Do stretching daily, do spinal rolling with the Fitball rollar (www. and hang if you can find something to hang on...lie on the
    grass 1/2 hour a day doing breathing, take long walks in nature if
    some feet stomping, wall pushing and do boxing motions coordinating the whole
    body...check out the Haka war chant videos on the web. Beat on your chest like a
    gorilla while making gorilla sounds. Social tension (especially shock) tends to get
    caught in the glut muscles, so bend your knees – stick your ass out and wiggle it
    like a duck. It is the running impulse that is being fired up, so perhaps the best
    thing would be to go for a run. Rolling on tennis balls on the floor also works for
    the gluts. While slightly bent jump from foot to foot real fast as though you were
    warming up for a game of sports. Focus on rooting your energy into the ground
    through your feet, build the sense of a cord going through you and extending out
    the top your head to infinity, and generate energy in your Hara. Also to work the
    tension out the gluts lie on your back and push your legs against a wall or tree. Eat
    extra greens and sprouts. Take 1/4 tsp of magnesium citrate with a large glass of
    water prior to bed if you are constipated...which often happens when we are under
    some form of persecution. Do drumming and go dancing, find someone to laugh
    with, check out new environs, a new movie and get some positive stimulation. To
    learn how social stress is the most pernicious and pervasive form of stress watch
    Robert Sapolsky’s lecture on google video. He is also doing a documentary on
    primate social dynamics with National Geographic.

  • social immunity—In rational mysticism, we do not sacrifice the best in us to
    the worst in others. Instead we lead by example to show others how they too can
    enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In her books Ayn Rand is talking about higher
    selfishness in the effort to rise above mediocrity and degradation of the Self by a
    caustic and ignorant social body. I call this social immunity. The way to approach
    disharmonious harmful vibrations is to fully acknowledge them, but to not resonate
    in their frequency. To do this you need a transpersonal, transanthropomorphic
    “scientific” viewpoint and to maintain that universal objectivity throughout all the

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