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days of your life. It is rather hard to be reactive and get pulled into and bound up
to Mara (evil/desire/aversion) when you see and feel everything from a Universal
vibration. Rather than the simplistic notion of non-judgment, you clearly see the
“devilish” mechanism of the bite/trigger/dig, but you do not get sucked in to
believing that it has any relevance to you and where you are going.
You can work out what is happening, by looking at human affairs through
primate psychology dynamics and learning the neurochemistry involved. Simply
stating what people are doing to their face, is just likely to cause more trouble by
engaging the negative ego still further. Then by knowing the way human primate
dynamics work on the neurochemical level, you can use skillful means to get “on
top.” Such as using energy, consciousness, camouflage (clothing), the power of
the “voice,” exercise, nature and Presence in a non-reactive fashion. This way you
can take little notice of and do not dwell on the present machinations of human “cut through it” like a knife--as irrelevant data. A temporary dissonant
note in the almighty hum of the Universal song.
As we deal with the collective shadow in this fashion, this will allow for the
creation of new inner-human technologies to deal with madness, shadow and
repression. In dealing with the uninitiated—don’t let the narrow-minded arrogance
and tall poppy syndrome stop you from being all that you can be. The inertia of
conservatism comes about through lack of spiritual development/initiation...fear
of the unknown and consequent control and low self esteem. Just call the demon
by its true name and it will lose its fire power. The growing edge is to work out
what is triggering you in your daily interactions and what you can do to bring
more energy, love and awareness to the situation. Do some energy practices, insight
meditation and visualization around a successful outcome. Put a sign up on the
inside of the door so that you can establish a positive affirmative stance toward this
trigger every time you leave the house. That way you can maintain a strong vision,
energy, stance and game plan. The Way of Aikido by George Leonard.
Hara: The Vital Center in Man, by Karlfried Graf Von Durckheim.

  • Joy the secret Weapon—Joy is the main secret weapon in dealing with social
    aversion, because it opens up the throat chakra to allow positive self-expression
    and prevents the cut-off of the brain and body (anaesthization) that occurs when
    confronted with negative shadow. Always remember, to not become a victim,
    generate a perpetual bubbling joy in the throat and general amusement about life.
    Joy: The Surrender to the Body and to Life by Alexander Lowen

  • savasana, or the Death Pose—Do we have to continually be confronted with
    death in order to grow a higher relationship to it? Perhaps like life, mere exposure
    does not invariably mean the evolution in depth...depth is found through the
    desire for “feeling” into the fundamental ground of things. In this way the Death
    Pose is really the maximum life pose, because it is the “ceasing” of the psycho-
    somatic resistance to our existence. Best done lying in bed in the dead of the night,
    you empty your mind and focus on dropping all holding such that one “melts into
    the Uni-field.” There is nothing there but the sense of infinite depth and unity, all
    perception and sensation becoming one with the Unified Field. There is nothing

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