
(nextflipdebug5) #1


holding us back from the One—in this there is ultimate security. Integrity—that
is sincerity and authenticity arise in the absence of “doing.” It is the “feeling,” the
sympathetic resonance of cells melting into the Unified Field that transforms us
and our world.

  • Vortex meditation—Spiritual myths and laws (formop) are “external” training
    in the ability to act automatically. But we need “inner” training on the ability to
    act in Kairos...that is in sync with the God’s time. I found one method
    we can do this, I call it Vortex Zero point Meditation! First you go watch some
    Viktor Schauberger clips at google video and look for the upward twisting vortex
    and imprint this image on your mind. Then while lying in bed, deeply rested,
    visualize the upward pulling vortex arising from your third eye, as you draw up all
    your body’s energies into it. You will find all thoughts and concerns disappear and
    the body may go through a series of “sudden falls” into increasingly relaxed zones
    as you do this powerful upward spinning tornado. Remember I said that toning
    helps to restore a harmonious higher frequency to our psychesoma, in a similar
    way that vortexing water helps to clear it from the memory of harmful polluting
    frequencies. It is the “movement” feltsense of this vortex meditation that operates
    in a similar fashion to “wipe the slate clean” allowing more synchronicity with the
    spontaneous unfolding of reality. It also creates bubbles of joy in the throat and
    jaw, which supports higher hormone regulation.

  • Galactic meditation—Immature forms of will to power such as submission,
    seduction, aggression or manipulation, are not going to evolve humanity beyond
    the pathological hypermasculine. Thus we must generate more universal energy
    states and higher forms of will to bring about necessary change. In the movement
    toward a galactic species, we can use the sense of the body of the galaxy (Hathor)—
    the immense power, beauty and impartiality of the spiral arms of the milky way—to
    align ourselves with the greatest depth of wisdom and substantial Presence within
    (Horus). First get a felt-sense of the galaxy itself and your location in it. Then pull
    your being into the galaxy itself and “become the whole of it.” Feeling the full force
    of the majesty and pristine self-generated power in that. In merger with the larger
    cosmos, you do not have to go in search of divine wisdom, for it will find you.
    Being receptive to the power and portent of the message, now that is the work!
    What is the symbolic meaning of aligning with the Dark Mother (Hathor)
    on the winter equinox of 2012; that is passing the ecliptic of the equatorial line
    of the black hole at the galactic center. It is a reorientation away from myopic
    slavery to materialism, an invitation to look out in awe at the depths of the
    universe and participate in the galactic orgasm/organism. And through this shift
    in focus, to move from the rigid formalism of the information age, and into the
    spacious expansive, depths and luminal embrace of the wisdom age. Effortlessly in-
    corporating multiple layers and modes of consciousness without denial, resistance
    or hesitation (Horus). Do the Vortex meditation first for this wipes the mind clean
    for the Galactic Meditation. The Galactic Meditation is fundamental, in that it
    allows a felt-sense of how you, your life and all existence is manifest out of the

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