
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Part ii


sense oF selF

During periods of accelerated spiritual growth when there is a rapid shift in the sense
of self the main adjustments we need to make are adaptation to the:

  • Loss of a rigid sense of the known

  • Loss of the sense of sure identity

  • The sense of infinity, space, groundlessness and emptiness

  • Loss of routine habits

  • Amplification of sensory acuity

  • Magnification of or loss of appetites

  • Increased psychic and subtle abilities

  • Greater range and depth of emotion and feeling

  • Changes in one’s sense of energy and embodiment

  • Distortions in the sense of time
    Kundalini threatens the safety focused conditioned self because there is no
    place to hide from truth, for the brightening Eye of God is within us. Truth is
    healing and healing is truth. Depending on how well we can let go of the past and
    be restructured in the moment through cellular forgiveness, this determines our
    ability to substantiate spiritual growth. However the irony is that, supersensory
    ability withstanding, one has to become meta-adapted to a spiritually corrupt
    world—this is the challenge, to not react negatively to negativity, or in other words
    to fear no evil. If we listen very carefully Kundalini teaches us how to do this, but
    we have to be willing to experience earth shattering bliss and the full implications
    of our higher purpose and place in the whole. We must be willing to fully feel the
    call to spiritual action!
    Unfortunately kundalini has been associated with symbols such as the serpent
    and so non-awakeners might relegate it to the mere physical domain. But one
    is never so close to Spirit than during a kundalini awakening. Kundalini is an
    amplification of Spirit in flesh. This is one of the reasons why post-awakening
    life seems so lack luster for the tide of Spirit has nearly returned to the socially
    conditioned acceptable level. And the individual still feels the echo of the calling
    to a sense of humanity that is beyond our wildest dreams, but there is nowhere to
    put this in our consensus “fallen” world. On feeling the depths of ones fear and
    helplessness there is less need to prevent these in others, one realizes that it’s all
    good and it’s all ok.
    To the degree that we get rid of the parasite of the defense system (the safety
    addicted conditioned self ) that we created from day zero, this is the degree to
    which we can access our higher self. Kundalini is involuntary parasite killing, for
    it dissolves our pupal defense strategy, yet it doesn’t automatically mean that we
    suddenly have the skills to deal with our world in a higher fashion, we essentially
    have to grow those through deeper insight.

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