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Inner Arts Practice

There is as much potential to journey into the infinite depths
of our internal space as there is to explore outer space.

The interior self is the new infinite frontier. The Inner Arts arose from my own
practice over the years...they came of their own accord from within, starting with
CMR in 1997. This information arrived not so much from listening as receiving;
that is reception and acquiescence, i.e.: Grace; which I suppose is spiritual insight
or gnosis. Life/suffering makes spiritual insights like the Inner Arts emerge when
they are most needed. Thus we see the play between suffering and light, the
checkerboard of existence. The Inner Arts ends with The Pot of Gold, which is
actually the beginning, but right now willed-ecstasy is what people need to access
their amrita for de-stressing.
The Inner Arts are a tool we can use for inner exploration and self-
communion as well as for relieving stress/trauma and removing blocks/voids
from the bodymind. If undertaken as a daily practice the Inner Arts are some
of the deepest and fastest spiritual-healing work there is to embody the Self.
The 3 STEPS—Cardiomuscular Release (CMR), Psychospacial meditation
(PSM), Neuroemotional Reprogramming (NER). are preliminary training for a
much deeper JOURNEY—PsychoSomatic Release (PSR). Inner Arts practice is
realignment therapy for freedom from bodymind holding. It works to achieve
Ground zero of emotional neutrality and equanimity, it also removes discordant
static charge and consequently frees the evolutionary impulse from the inertia of
the past.
The experience of finding Psychospacial Meditation taught me that peace
resides in the enteric brain (i.e.: solar plexus). From that I realized that our true
power and empowerment arises from building and substantiating that “belly peace”
by entraining the brain, heart and enteric brain in sympathetic resonance. It was
then apparent that it was “receptivity” or biological worthiness, which was the
major key to establishing both the Peace of Power and the Power of Peace through
the incarnation of Presence! Biological worthiness is the measure of our degree of
incarnation. That is how much we are keyed into our Self and the All and this is
also reflected in how deeply we are aligned with the “life-will” or the “death-will.”
Bliss is simply Eros or the evolutionary catalyst of the Life-will.
Pride arises from a deep sense or organic unworthiness, and it is this false pride
that generates poverty mentality by creating arrogant, superior and self-righteous
states in which learning and receptivity are diminished. This prideful unworthiness
represents an inertial force by which we are stuck in the past, entrenched in
Matter and cannot awake fully to Spirit in the present moment. Thus obstructing
and curtailing the full flow of the light of Spirit throughout the bodymind in
its connection to the All. It is this unresponsiveness to Spirit that is the core of
our resistance to enlightenment and our rejection of the natural abundance of
Since Bliss is the felt-sensation of love, and we are love, the craving for Bliss
might be the re-cognition that there is something, either a block or void, in the

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