
(nextflipdebug5) #1

way to being fully integrated as love. Craving for Bliss is simply craving for more
Presence. This craving is a good thing because if we listen to our heart it shows
us the way to the realization of the full Flow of Light. Freedom or Bliss is making
that which is unconscious conscious by bringing light to it. The unwillingness to
enter a wider field of consciousness through the illumination of Matter with Spirit
and to radiate it out to infinity, is our only hindrance to happiness. The pursuit of
happiness is uncovering the a priori happiness of the bliss of being alive and simply
breathing. Just as a muscle or body area will never loose its pain and numbness
unless the mind’s eye is infused into it, and a relationship flourishes to the degree
that love is extended.
Rumi said: “Longing is the core of mystery. Longing itself brings the cure.” Longing
of the heart is the key to the Mystery and the answer to the question of life.
However we are not taught to go into it and inquire into it, and thereby realize
a greater life. We are taught to subdue it with lesser energies and lesser matters,
and cut it off before its greater realization. In families where Spirit is not realized,
we are programmed by a sense of biologically inherited unworthiness to subvert
and undermine the “urge of the divine light itself.” Thus the living death of not
knowing our Self.
The intent and focus of consciousness alters the quantum field of consciousness.
Ecstasy is the beginning of the Great Way through communion with the Self
and unity with the Cosmos—bliss is the result of unifying the Universe with make sacred, holy or whole. Wherever we place our focused
awareness there is a simultaneous flow of life force to that area of our body, field
or environment. Coherent thought and feeling activate energy vortexes within us
that effect energy, geometry, harmonics and warping at the quantum field level.
Eros, love or gratitude and appreciation create coherent resonance which increases
energy flow and integration throughout the bodymind and by which we enter
communion with the omnipresent All.

“Power is the ability to remain in context no matter what the subject or object,” Garwin

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1•cmr—Thus as a sequence of practices first we need to establish cardio
muscular release in order to remove nerve static, turn down the sympathetic
nervous system, focus and entrain consciousness and build the inner felt-sense to
generate familiarity with the heart-brain.

2•Psm—Psychospacial meditation gives us a tangible grasp of the mind’s eye
which we focus on a series of gateways that open up communication between the
head-brain and the enteric/solar plexus brain. Dropping bodymind and bringing
organism to Ground Zero or Peace—giving us the ability to remain in “context”
(unconditional/nonduality/equanimity) no matter what the subject or object.

3•ner—neuroemotional reprogramming eliminates blocks/voids to
empowerment by Presence through infusing the body with Universal-unconditional

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