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value-qualities; thereby changing cell and neuron growth, raising vibratory
resonance and possibly changing gene expression. Also heals GI tract.

4.Psr—Psychosomatic release is a journey of a priori transformation to the
Always Already whole body-mind-soul. Blood, oxygen, immunity, nerve energy,
prana and life follow consciousness...This psychosomatic release work is a body-
meditation that uses the focused awareness principle...progressing through all
holding areas in the body, allowing the light of life to integrate and unify body, mind
and soul. This is a melting process of pushing warmth, feeling and consciousness
into the numbness of blockages of holding. You can use any “value-feeling” word
for attitudinal breathing at any block you might come across...some blocked areas
might tell you what they are about if you inquire as you work on them.

5•Pot of Gold—Ecstasy is the evolutionary catalyst and the secret of the nottwo
of Matter and Spirit. The more you do the preparatory 3 steps and the journey
the more you unblock and build self-communication, the greater the amount of
amrita elixir you are able to generate in the Pot of Gold. When you are proficient
in the Inner Arts you can use the Pot of Gold anytime to gain greater peace, love,
equanimity and Unity.

GroUnD Zero

Negative emotions such as anger, frustration jealousy or divisiveness are
associated with an erratic, disordered, incoherent pattern in the heart’s rhythms
and consequently throughout the body via the heart’s EMF, superconduction of
consciousness and by metabolic chemistry. Positive emotions give rise to a mode
that HeartMath Institute calls “psychophysiological coherence.”
It is essential to allow the organism to reach Ground Zero long enough and
deep enough to be “structured” in a trans-anthropomorphic mode. That is only in
the resting neutral state of Ground Zero can a Universal patterning come into effect
to slowly transmute the human into the God. Thus we see that the “acceptance of
our Divinity” is a receptive act that first requires an active emptying, surrender and
letting go of that which we currently are. apocatastasis means the reconstitution
or restitution and restoration to the original or primordial condition through the
realization of potential. Apocatastasis occurs when a soul, which is Divine Light
trapped in Matter, frees itself by attaining special knowledge or gnosis to rejoin the
Unified Field or Absolute Reality (God).
the neutral resting state, or Absolute Peace is where the ego-mind-defense-
associative-meaning making brain is offline and the body’s reality can be fully
palpated, that is tacitly felt without filter or explanation. Once the mind has let
go of its tyranny over the body, we can listen to the pain and abandonment of our
organs and nervous system and then we can “program” higher frequency vibratory
states into them. When consciously and lovingly acknowledged our abdicated lost
parts come back into the orderly fold to greater coherence. An ecstatic reconstitution
of our lost and broken parts occurs bringing restitution and restoration to the
original or primordial condition of our Divine Self. Without the knowledge for
doing this inner work of reconciliation with our abandoned cut off parts, we tend

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