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to run around like headless chickens looking for this Lover, Guru or that healer to
“make it all better for us.
Actually with the Inner Arts letting go and diving into the abyss is easy. You
build higher neuronal, biochemical and vibratory structures FIRST, laying the
pathway for universal being, then the maladaptive (ego) patterns drop away
because you no longer have any “use” for them. Through cultivation of Absolute
Qualities we build the Universal or nondual bodymind through which enlightened
experience is possible. Perturbation of the conditioned mind allows the change
in perspective necessary for Grokking to occur. Grokking of course is nondual
consciousness. But nondual Witnessing doesn’t mean we sit back and observe the
world as though it was a bad soap opera—rather it is the basis of right action
through a transpersonal vantage point.
Basically what yogis do when they transcend the world of form is to put all
sticking points of identification into Emptiness, by voiding the body chemistry in
bliss-meditation. The natural opioids wipe out the emotional memory associated
with the sticking point so that the individual is not caught up in the vortex of
preoccupation with thought or emotion around the sticking point. Thus we
can maintain our transcendence...that is to flow like a river over and around
happenstance, without being forever caught up in back eddies. The Inner Arts are
the practice of habitually cultivating Emptiness or Ground Zero.

“What we call mass would seem to be nothing but an appearance, and all inertia to be
of electromagnetic origin.” – Henri Poincaré, Science and Method.

sUGGestions on PracticinG tHe inner arts

Stress is the resistance to the stretch necessary to grow.

Through this practice we can train ourselves to be open (vulnerable) and hence
“spiritual,” by opening up communication channels within the body and emotional-
limbic brain. Increasing coherency between the left and right-brain, thereby
unifying our feeling, sensing, thinking and intuition. By using these techniques we
should notice an increase in intuition, no-mind and
freedom from worry and the incessant badgering of the left-brain’s analysis. Our
critic and judge that is invested in keeping our painbody and armor in a defensive
holding pattern, is dissolved during this transformational work, thereby releasing
us from our limitations, allowing us to embrace life anew. If any fear arises during
this process focus the mind’s eye on the brainstem while doing attitudinal breathing
for peace...peace into the heart on the in-breath, then down into the solar plexus
with the out-breath.
You might like to begin your Inner Arts session with hanging, primal release
pose and 20 minutes of nude sunbathing or sun meditation for optimum effects.
Also a wheatgrass shot prior to Inner Arts and a super-smoothie after will synergize
the results. Inner Arts work best on an empty stomach, but the energy boost
of something like wheatgrass juice would be beneficial. Toning and meditation-
pulling energy up the spine, and do toning while you do the Inner Arts greatly

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