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amplifies the effect. Freely allow “huff ” breaths and emotions to occur if they arise.
You can also listen to meditation tapes like Kelly Howell’s “Destiny,” or “Secret”
while you do CMR. Listening to tapes might help you drop ego-recriminations
and disbelief faster if you are having trouble quieting the mind.
Stress is suffering and suffering is stress. Any of the Inner Arts allow you to
detoxify from the days stress, and in cultivating universal-value feeling-qualities
the petty mind is readily dropped because the body is trained to appreciate the
sensation of being free from the defense-recriminations mind and lower emotional
states. When we do not accumulate our emotional tone day after day, this allows
more of a clean slate each morning, so we can be new and flexible with each
unique day. Thus it will probably cultivate genuine equanimity over the course
of years. I reached pseudo-equanimity with the bliss chemistry, but it was more
of a repression of response due to the neuroinhibiting effect of endorphins than
anything. Dissociation is not a true dropping and takes enormous
energy and focus to drop what is not Self.
The three steps of CMR, PSM, and NER entrain the brain to the heart and
synchronize the heart, cranial, and solar plexus brains. cardio muscular release
(CMR) gives us a tangible grasp on our inner feeling sense, and reduces nerve
scatter, establishes communication with the heart, conscious belly breathing
and an attitude of self-respect/listening. Then when the nerve energy is well
“organized” and readily employable it is then we can take this Presence on into
Psychospacial Meditation and Neuroemotional Reprogramming. Because CMR
readily establishes a conscious felt-sense of Presence it is very important to include
in the development of the Inner Arts. You need to first gain some proficiency
in Cardio Muscular Release (CMR), then you need to build up your ability for
Psychospacial Meditation in order to train the minds eye to open the gates to the
enteric gain conscious purchase on this area...that is to palpate it with the
mind’s eye and bring it into conscious awareness. After which you can run through
the Neuroemotional holding positions in sequence.
How one approaches this practice depends on ones discipline and time
allowance. Obviously the more Presence you put into it the more you get out
of it, for this is “work.” Sometimes late at night in bed I don’t have the Presence
to do the full sequence systematically but potter around between CMR and
Neuroemotional holding positions as my body demands. It is perhaps best to set
some time aside during the day for the 3 step process and go through everything
systematically, then during the downtime prior to sleep or first waking up you can
just do a more spontaneous version.
Neuroemotional Reprogramming (NER) is the focused building of subtle
communication within the nervous system via the generation of plasma balls of
feeling-tone associated with higher archetypal qualities of being. This process
involves a coordination mind, body and soul in a concerted YES to life by
reprogramming tissue from its resistant defensive posture of ancestral, collective
and individual trauma...into its Universal condition “prior to and transcendent
of ” the shutdown, limitation and maladaptive patterns of survival that warp and

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