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diminish our ongoing incarnation. Thus NER is for the purpose of transcending
the narrow reflexive conditioning (armor) we have build up through our social
environment and habitual thought order to experience a vaster,
limitless sense of being, extra-dimensional cognition and full spectrum feeling-
tone. That is we get to experience Presence. Each of us has different holding
patterns, blocks and numb voids built up from our past.
With NER I have given a general template of the sequence of holding places and
archetypal-values to work with. I suggest one would start out with this sequence
(which to me at least seems a universal template) and then move on to feel-sense
what is needed your own particular case relative to the way your neuroemotional
matrix has been built up over your life. Once you have learnt the form, self-inquiry
is the next step in using these techniques. I suggest you locate sticking points
and question them to see if a meaning-cause arises...(worry, envy, hatred, greed,
sadness etc...). Start a conversation with these blocks/voids by sensing what they
have to teach and asking them how they are to be dissolved.
The Inner Arts combine to help us get more in touch with our inner kinesthetic
will. Only consciousness that is “self-willed” into felt-sense cognition is effective
in building the interior-self...thus we must do our own “work” if we are to have
an internal life of the soul. Because we still live in a culture of fear, the Western
world has yet to fully grok that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. We generally
have an outer persona to deal with the world and an anesthetized interior; thus the
epidemic of low self esteem, biological unworthiness and powerlessness which is
just now becoming more recognized.
One simple way of recognizing emotional health is that ALIVENESS increases.
To become more of a mystic, that is a sovereign spirit, instead of a victim, seeker or
follower and to deprogram from the automaton, disingenuous, rote, reactive and
assumptive strategies of our Western conditioning, I suggest a Sufi-like “Pathless
Path” training. Chances are we need the reinforcement of the extra-dimensional
cognition of the Sufi tradition to embrace the full spontaneous nature of Spirit, and
help prevent the regression and reversion to prior-mechanical thought processes
once the peak of our awakening has subsided.
Intellectually grasping an idea is very different from experiencing the living
reality. Many of us have grown up in a culture than denies the reality of the felt-
sensation of this energy world. It is a world much larger and deeper than intellect
can penetrate. Because we have not built the cognitive senses and language for this
deeper world, and were often punished if we admitted the reality of this energy-
world, we basically were cut off from both our inner shaman and our inner priest.
The Inner Arts help us to get in-touch with the FEELING reality of the energy
world by relaxing our guard and building inner communication hardware.
While there is some structure involved in training for this FEELING of energetic
reality of the bodymind, what emerges is the larger WILL beyond the intellect,
which has a priori consciousness that is “wholistic” and far more cognizant of
Reality than mere intellect. It is the Genius that lies behind intelligence; it is the
source of the mind and all else besides. Thus with these practices we have tangible

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