
(nextflipdebug5) #1


and immediate recognition of the WILL within us that is being suppressed by the
alienated and dissociated personality...bringing us back into a sense of Presence,
integrity and wholeness which should have been ours from birth...had we been
born in a more enlightened society. Through such training we can more fully
become the multidimensional being that we always intuited that we were, but
could never fully realize.
The dropping of the mask of conditioned consciousness is achieved not by
the “negation” of thought and emotion but by the “development” of them. These
practices are not for making men or women more emotional, but of amplifying
the perception of the energy world that is already there; note that emotion here
means felt-sense of the energy world. Like flipping the switch to an innate sensory
intelligence that we have been conditioned out of during our socialization,
while having our emotional wiring laid down in conditions of untruth, double
bind, callousness and avoidance of psychic information. I suggest there is almost
unlimited capacity to awaken to a vast inherent intelligence and sensitivity to inner
and outer environment that has been knocked out of us...and which we have been
collectively denying is even there.
By rejecting, repressing and cutting off disowned parts of ourselves and our
difficult emotions we lose access to the opposite empowering qualities of the
emotions we deny or fail to integrate...thus if we repress fear we lose access to
our courage; if we repress anger we lose access to focused loving action. It is
obvious that that which is repressed cannot grow, therefore emotional-spiritual
development is held back through this emotional retardation. Since emotion is
the go between mind and matter...having the emotional body retarded in this
fashion is holding back the entirety of human evolution. We reclaim Presence
(whole consciousness) through derepression. Thus we must learn to be our own
Good-mother, holding ourselves in unconditional embrace, in order to build the
neurology for “transcendent emotional regulation,” i.e.: equilibrium, equanimity
and Presence.
As we set about generating the noble, Universal qualities within our bodymind,
especially worthiness and gratitude...what happens is the primary wound of
separation and shame is healed. You become “whole,” autonomous and plugged
back into the cosmos via your own umbilical. No longer reliant on others to
feel connected. The old shame, punishment/reward authoritarian projection
mechanism that makes us go search for a Good Mother or Father, or Bad ones
for that matter, no longer exists. The whole ball game of mythic, seeking and
deprivation spirituality collapses and any attention given to that will only hold one
back from the sovereign growth of spirit. Both the need for a healer, teacher, Guru
and lover pass away when we grok or listen to our Self and directly give our Self
what it is we really need—our own Presence!
Best way to go about laying out a life system practice for yourself is to lie down
on your back in a quiet place, see what hurts, is deficient or is blocked and ask
how to fix it. Then come up with various solutions...and do them. Then start the
process over and over again...that way you are spontaneously responding to the

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