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loudest most immediate needs. You could go your whole life in this manner, and
this would be your integral life practice. Take notes and map out your journey so
that if stuff comes up again you will know what you did last time that occurred.
It naturally follows that raising the vibratory resonance causes one’s worldview
to become more Sufi-like, because the rigidity that unconscious fear produces is
lifted. By entering states of ecstasy that we are propelled into being as little children
within the Kingdom of Bliss.
If the heart becomes heavy, connection lost and you feel hopelessly awash in the
conflicting aspects of destiny...wash your heart in the fluorescent river of love that
flows Eternally. Loosing your smallness in limitless largess, to revel in all powerful
expansion flooding over the horizon in all directions.

“The greatest sin is to be unconscious.” Carl Jung
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